Blackwater Worldwide, the company best known for supplying arrogant trigger-happy bodyguards to the State Department, is changing the names of their companies.
Blackwater Worldwide is now Xe, Inc.
Blackwater Lodge & Training Center is now U.S. Training Center Inc.
New name, new logo, same old group of fascist goons.
Make Up/Break Up
1 hour ago
I actually tried to hand write that shit down as I heard it this evening on the tube; my notes as I was talking to a friend losing his wife to ennui...
"Blackwater changing name to restore reputation"
Not sure what it says about me that [i]that[/i] was more important, hmmm, maybe .gov can employ them again now.
Fouly mooded,
And if I could remember this blog uses HTML tags, not UBB, hey, I'd be a genius ;-)
I have the same problem, but in the other direction.
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