Joe Biden in 2006 debates his boss in 2013:
And Sean Hannity debates himself:
As does Bill O'Reilly:
As the Brad Blog notes, this sort of partisan crap is exactly why we cannot make any headway on this. Democraps are against it when when a Rethuglican is in power and vice versa. The Dems enact a GOP-designed health insurance program and GOP goes apeshit in denouncing their own program.
If what we are doing in this country is interpreting the Constitution through lenses of partisanship, then we are truly screwed and we might as well adopt Mandarin (or Swedish) as a second language.
We got to this mess with the NSA, in part, because the GOP bought into the Rovian bullshit that they had a "permanent Republican majority" when they advocated for the Bushes to have the authority to do widespread surveillance using the NSA. Now, eight years later, when it may be that the reverse is true, the Obama Administration is pleased as punch to have the sort of datamining and wiretapping powers that the Republicans thought would be theirs alone.
Hell, who needs national gun registration when the government can see that you've bought .38s here, or maybe ordered a gun from Bud's gun shop on your credit card?
No chins were found.
3 hours ago
"Hell, who needs national gun registration when the government can see that you've bought .38s here, or maybe ordered a gun from Bud's gun shop on your credit card?"
Exactly! Having had our 4th Amendment rights eviscerated by the incremental acts of Congress, Executive Orders and Judicial rulings, it's likely the gubment can find most of the firearms in the country if they so choose.
And since most all of us carry our own personal surveillance devices everywhere we go, the gubment needn't even rely on online orders or credit card purchases.
They already have gun registration its called form 4473...
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