That was the comment that a friend had about the televised coverage of the doings in the Boston area today. If anybody uttered a new syllable, it was breaking news.
You don't have to be a complete moron to work for TV and/or cable news as an on-air personality.
But it doesn't hurt.
Take A Break Or Have One, Apparently
1 hour ago
There was an *enormous* difference in the coverage. Nobody was smiling, where usually they're grinning all the time and chuckling over the most vapid inanities. This was serious, folks! Park your chewing gum in the ear and *pay attention*! Nobody's smiling!
They still were dealing with about a airtime/information ratio of about 60/1. And I'm being generous, it probably was closer to 80/1.
"Blathering" doesn't even come close to describing on-air news for the last several days.
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