That number crept up by one today, as I've been laid off. I was notified of this last week, which is why the lobster lunch last Sunday was so appreciated as a sweet gesture.
I have no idea what I'll do from here. I have resources to draw on, so I don't plan on living in a tent off in the woods anytime soon. But I would be lying through my coffee-stained teeth if I were to say that I am not a little bit scared of where I find myself at this stage in my life.
Normally when I write in this blog about myself, it's because of the cats, I've gone to the range or I've gone flying. I try to stay away from the "life is drama" stuff because I tend to think that sharing is over-rated. I don't imagine that there are legions of people hanging on in anticipation that I'll write personal stuff.
I am, in my soul, a New Englander who believes that in the main, private life details are meant to be private. I believe that what happens at home should stay there and what happens at work should also stay there. I try not to mix the two up.
It is not my intent to turn this blog into a Chronicle of My Job Hunt. But this is sort of a big deal, at least for me. It's been a long time since I was last involuntarily out of work and I thought I should at least mention it.
(And yes, I believe that religion is something that is between a god-fearing individual, the variety of the Dear and Fluffy Lord that they fear, and those in the the congregation where they go a-fearin'. So I tend to be wary of those who jabber on and try to "witness" about their faith to me.)
UPDATE: And then there are those whose full-time jobs went to part-time.
You Can’t Appeal To Customers Who Won’t Listen
40 minutes ago
Good luck and best wishes. Non illegitimi carborundum.
Welcome to the Stress Diet. At least if you've been looking to lose a few pounds, it'll happen automagically now...
- Badtux the Similarly-stressed Penguin
Sorry to hear about the lay-off. I hope that a new and better job is around the corner for you.
Ack, sorry to hear that. Best luck.
Good Luck and Best Wishes. At least you have skills and a profession...
All The Best,
Frank W. James
Kick ass, lady. You'll make it. It took me a year, 1970-71...
There's nothing self-indulgent about sharing personal tidbits like suddenly being thrust into the ranks of the unemployed. You'll be better suited to comment on some of the rightwingers who complain about the lazy, over-compensated unemployed now.
What's that about "when one door closes, another door opens"? Just try to make sure your hands don't get slammed in the closing door...
Best to you, ma'am, I love your blog!
Welcome to the our ever growing (so it seems) crowd. I have to say that I envy you, you are young enough to be seriously considered when you go looking.
You are not alone. Success be with you.
I'm sorry to hear that, EB. Good luck with the hunt.
Thanks, everyone. You're the frelling best!
Ach, no. Good luck to you, and may you find something better than the last one. I'm sure that thought doesn't lessen the stress, but with the intelligence you display in the blogging, I'm sure you'll do fine.
It's been a couple years since my hunt, so I can't be much help with the online sources. Last I knew, Monster had turned into a spam engine, Craigslist only offered jobs where they don't pay you, and maybe in the future you can have more work without pay. Most industry-specific sites wanted money from you.
I think face-to-face meetings are crucial, and damned difficult to arrange. Perhaps seek job fairs or (your industry-related) trade shows.
Good luck.
Good luck. I'm sure you'll make the best of the opportunities before you (both the unwanted and eventually the wanted).
Good luck and best wishes. Anything else I can think of adding has already been.
I have a resume posted on Dice with a job search agent, and it seems to be representative of the job market. I agree with the conventional wisdom that advocates personal contacts; I am finding much more interesting opportunities that way. Do you have a profile on LinkedIn?
Pilots seem to know lots of interesting people. That might be an avenue to look into.
Good luck.
Jeff, I've never head of "Dice". I am on LinkedIn.
Best of Luck finding suitable employment for monetary gain. If I see any openings for a angry mean old hateful gun totin' snarky Democrat Pinko Lesbian ... I'll holla back ..... oughta' be SOMETHING around here ....
EBM, Dice is a technology-specific job site, so probably not your ball of wax. There should be a profession-specific job site for your profession, so hopefully you can find it and post your resume there. I posted my resume on Dice and immediately got a number of nibbles and a couple of pending on-site interviews for next week, hopefully your profession's job site will be as productive for you.
Good luck. And like you said, you have 14,600,000 others out here in the same position, so don't feel like you're being singled out...
Badtux, that is why I chose the title for this post that I did. I know that I am far^100 from being alone.
Best wishes, EB.
I wish you luck, during my journey this way I found it helped to have a project that I worked on each day. I found how much I missed the structure of "off to work we go" and needed something instead.
Both you and Bad Tux, raw unemployment numbers are one thing but your friends ! You are both really smart and if you can get past the HR gate keepers to an interview I'm sure employers will want you.
It if becomes a choice between food and bandwitdh bills let us know and we will be glad to keep you voices out there.
Jim, bandwidth is no problem. If I get to where I have to cancel the service, I can lug my laptop down to the local library.
Best wishes. Sad to say, age is almost certainly going to be a problem.
I don't know exactly how old you are, but I suspect you are somewhat older than me (55). I live in mortal terror of losing my job because I seriously doubt anyone would hire me again.
One bit of practical advice: ask your friends to check the internal posting lists at the companies where they work. Sometimes you can get advance notice of jobs before they are advertised. Even if the job is advertised you can sometimes get additional details about the job from the posting.
If you do find something this way, be sure to have your friend recommend you. This works better in some places than in others, but it never hurts.
Boss Hog, yes, age is indeed an obstacle. I have the same fear, but fear will not profit me at all.
Dice ( is a job search site with a primarily technical focus, as BadTux pointed out. I took a quick peek and did see a few legal postings but even those had a technical slant to them.
Good luck.
Know anyone who owns a gun shop who could use a partner? Maybe someone who's thinking about retiring? You'd be a natural and being female, would be more attractive to women who are looking for advice on guns. Growing market there. Downside (for us anyway) is owning your own business would leave a lot less time for blogging.
Billmire (et al), I don't know what I'm going to do next. Frankly, I have a horrible record when it comes to career choices and business opportunities. I once worked for a pharmaceutical manufacturer that went belly-up.
Hell, if I owned a gold mine, somebody would figure out how to transmogrify sand into gold at a cost of fifty cents a troy ounce.
I sincerely wish you the best of luck and the swiftest of job searches.
Just heard about this, sorry for the delay. It's very scary; too many people I know are being laid off, especially too many bloggers. It's enough to make me think somehting's up.
Driftglass, thanks.
Jill, I know, I saw that the Ornery Bastard was also laid off. I don't think, though, that anything organized is going on.
My fear is that we are about to tip over into an economic depression and thanks to the paralysis brought on by the party of the Confederacy, nothing will be done to prevent or even alleviate it.
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