Seen on the street in Kyiv.

Words of Advice:

"If Something Seems To Be Too Good To Be True, It's Best To Shoot It, Just In Case." -- Fiona Glenanne

“The Mob takes the Fifth. If you’re innocent, why are you taking the Fifth Amendment?” -- The TOFF *

"Foreign Relations Boil Down to Two Things: Talking With People or Killing Them." -- Unknown

“Speed is a poor substitute for accuracy.” -- Real, no-shit, fortune from a fortune cookie

"Thou Shalt Get Sidetracked by Bullshit, Every Goddamned Time." -- The Ghoul

"If you believe that you are talking to G-d, you can justify anything.” — my Dad

"Colt .45s; putting bad guys in the ground since 1873." -- Unknown

"Stay Strapped or Get Clapped." -- probably not Mr. Rogers

"The Dildo of Karma rarely comes lubed." -- Unknown

"Eck!" -- George the Cat

* "TOFF" = Treasonous Orange Fat Fuck,
"FOFF" = Felonious Old Fat Fuck,
"COFF" = Convicted Old Felonious Fool,
A/K/A Commandante (or Cadet) Bone Spurs,
A/K/A El Caudillo de Mar-a-Lago, A/K/A the Asset,
A/K/A P01135809, A/K/A Dementia Donnie, A/K/A Felon^34,
A/K/A Dolt-45, A/K/A Don Snoreleone

Friday, May 31, 2024

Heh. Heh. Heh; FOFF Family Ed.

A Day for Luckovich

And some non-Mike content:

Something Else on the COFF's Trial

The Rude Pundit has some short takes on it.

9. Lemme address the MAGA freaks: have some self-respect, you fucking losers. Go support any of a hundred other Republican dickheads who are as racist and stupid as you are but aren't convicted felons and rapists. Walk the fuck away already.

11. Seriously, how fucking sorry-ass do you need to be to sit there and think that every single juror, members of the law enforcement, judges, and officials are all in a massive conspiracy, that everything is "rigged," rather than just fucking accepting that the cockscab is a criminal and you've been suckered?

14. As for elected Republicans, don't fucking talk to us about how you're tough on crime when you're going to nominate a convicted felon for president. You're filthy liars and raging hypocrites. Fuck all the way off. And don't fucking talk about how he can appeal. If Joe Biden had been found guilty of speeding, you'd have wanted to impeach him, you craven bitches who are begging for a chance to be Trump's diaper.

Because It's Friday

CP 2816:

Please, people: Invest in a tripod. Serviceable ones are cheap enough. (Or use a phone with image stabilization.)

Range Report

Shooting .32 wadcutters is a joy.

That was at 25'. I find that the "big dot" front sight will take some getting used to, but it does draw my eye.

None of the shops I tried carry .32 Long or .32 H&R Magnum ammo, so I'll place an order with SGAmmo for some more cartridges. They ship for free if the order is over $200. I might get some .32 Magnum hollowpoints from High Desert.

Thursday, May 30, 2024

You Have to Fight the Case Your Client Wants; FOFF Ed.

There's an argument that the FOFF's maximalist legal strategy of "deny everything" got him convicted. So did his refusal to ask for a misdemeanor instruction.

I saw that play out decades ago when a defendant refused to ask for a manslaughter instruction, believing that if the state didn't prove murder, he'd walk. The jury believed that he killed the victim, so, their only option being murder 2 (or higher), they convicted him on murder 2.

One More Thought About the FOFF's Conviction Today

With him continually running his mouth about how unfair the judge is, how mean the jury was to him, how rigged the trial is, he may be be talking himself into a prison sentence. Judges generally like to see convicted defendants take some responsibility for their crimes and there is no way on G-d's Blue Marble that Trump will ever do that.

So I suspect that Donnie Boy is going to prison.

Teflon Don No More:
Former President and Convicted Felon Donald Fucking Trump.

Between finally taking my new .32 to the range (it shot well, but the big dot front sight will take getting used to) and then coming out of the range to find my phone blowing up with texts and news alerts, it was a good day.

Donald Trump became the first U.S. president to be convicted of a crime on Thursday when a New York jury found him guilty of falsifying documents to cover up a payment to silence a porn star ahead of the 2016 election.
After deliberations over two days, the 12-member jury announced it had found Trump guilty on all 34 counts he faced. Unanimity was required for any verdict.
[Judge] Juan Merchan set sentencing for July 11, days before the July 15 start of the Republican National Convention expected to formally nominate Trump for president.

The old naming convention in newspapers held that they dropped the honorific of "Mr." for convicted felons. Until he does his time and pays his fines, he can't vote in Florida. And if he holds up a gun, that's possession by a felon, I believe.

"He's the grumpy trumpy felon from Jamaica in Queens."

New York, New York is a hell of a town,
The Bronx is up and Trump is down,
Lock him up in a hole in the ground,
New York, New York, it's a hell of a town!

Stocking These Down, Here

Memorial Day

This is the traditional day for Memorial Day, formerly known as Decoration Day, for the flags that were put on the graves of deceased veterans. It was meant to be a day of mournful reflection, with, at most, parades to commemorate the fallen.

Hundreds of thousands of Americans have died in defense of this country and its interests.

Why can't we have a day to remember them without it turning into a festival of commerce?

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

A Scenario for Demented Donnie's Power Grab

If he wins, chances are that the GOP will have control of both houses of Congress for two years.

So this is how I see it working: In 2026, after the mid-terms, Don Snoreleone's vice-president will step down. He or she will be given control of a multi-billion dollar "investment fund," funded by the Saudis and the Russians. The fund will be wholly offshore, so the former Veep will be able to do as they want, especially if they move to Dubai or some place like that.

Don, Jr., a/k/a/ Coke Boy, will be chosen by his dad to be the new Veep. After Coke Boy is confirmed, and if the GOP retains control of both houses of Congress, Cadet Bone Spurs will step down in 2027. The reason for doing that is that, if Coke Boy serves less than two years, he can run for both election in 2028 and re-election in 2032. If they lose control of one or both houses, then he'll leave before the end of 2026 so he can get whomever he wants as Veep.

So who would that be? Jared the Wonder Skell? It can't be Barron, he'll still be too young. Ivanka doesn't seem to have the fire in her belly. Eric does, but, well, he comes across as being more lacky than leader.

Do you have more of a nightmare scenario than mine?

Partisan Hacks Gotta Engage in Hackery; USSC Ed.

Justice Samuel Alito is rejecting calls to step aside from Supreme Court cases involving former President Donald Trump and Jan. 6 defendants, saying his wife hoisted the two controversial flags that flew above their homes.

“My wife is fond of flying flags. I am not,” Alito wrote Wednesday.

In letters to members of Congress, Alito said his wife, Martha-Ann, was responsible for flying both an upside-down flag over their home in 2021 and an “Appeal to Heaven” flag at their New Jersey beach house last year. Both flags were like those carried by rioters who violently stormed the Capitol in January 2021 while echoing Trump’s false claims of election fraud.

Neither incident at Alito’s homes merited his recusal, wrote the justice, who has rejected calls from Democrats in the past to recuse on other issues.

They were his fucking houses and I don't believe, for an attosecond, that he didn't know what was going on. A guy with some integrity would have said: "Dear, I'm a Supreme Court justice, we can't be making partisan displays at our houses."

But he's got no integrity and no spine. He knew what was going on, he knew what the flags symbolized and he was either too cowardly to ask his wife to take them down or, more likely, he agreed with it.

And so he throws his wife under the bus. What a brave little asshole.

So now, if he rules in favor of Don Snoreleone or the J6 defendants, a goodly section of the population will believ that he was in the tank. A partisan justice voting the way his party wants him to. (The same goes double for Clarence Thomas.)

And the reputation of the Court will slide even further. If then hardball is played, let's see what happens when the Supreme Court's budget for clerks gets zeroed out.

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Reaping These Down, Here

What They Say in Private When They Think Nobody Else is Listening is What They Mean and How They Feel; Papal Ed.

Pope Francis apologized Tuesday after he was quoted using a vulgar and derogatory term about gay men to reaffirm the Catholic Church’s ban on gay priests.

Vatican spokesman Matteo Bruni issued a statement acknowledging the media storm that erupted about Francis’ comments, which were delivered behind closed doors to Italian bishops on May 20.

Italian media on Monday had quoted unnamed Italian bishops in reporting that Francis jokingly used the term “faggotness” while speaking in Italian during the encounter. He had used the term in reaffirming the Vatican’s ban on allowing gay men to enter seminaries and be ordained priests.

Just so we're clear: No to gay men, but it's OK to have child abusers and modern-day slavers in the Catholic Church. And those who engage in child abuse, to this day, get protected and moved to escape justice. Only when it hits the press does the RCC cooperate with the cops, and maybe not even then.

South Africa Can Go Take a Flying Fuck At a Rolling Doughnut

South Africa, which brought the case against Israel to the ICC, doesn't not only give a damn about Russian crimes against the Ukrainian people, they count Russia as one of their dear, dear friends.

Nobody, including the South Africans, seems to give a shit that the Russians recently hit a large hardware store in a shopping center in Kharkiv and killed well over a dozen people. There was no mention of any hint of a military rationale for shooting a missile into that shopping center. It gets mentioned a few times and then the world shrugs and moves its gaze away. They don't give a shit that the Russians have been deliberately and openly targeting civilian infrastructure and institutions. All there is is silence from much of the world, including South Africa.

So yes, fuck those guys, too.

Monday, May 27, 2024

Name the Only Functioning Democratic State in the Middle East and North Africa

Other than Israel, that is.

I'll hold.

Saluting These Down, Here

A Day of Greed and Sloth is All That Today Really Is

Memorial Day was once a day to remember those Americans who died in service of this nation. It was not meant to be a shopping extravaganza, a kickoff for summer vacations and a day for parties and other such bullshit.

But you know that in a capitalist society (or half-capitalist, since the airlines, banks and such all get rescued with government money when they get into trouble), greed is a cardinal virtue and anything that facilitates getting consumers to go more deeply into debt is a sacrement.

So, as I've ranted before, to satisfy the greedy fuckers, Memorial Day was changed from a somber day of reflection to a floating holiday to make for a longer weekend.

Every holder of a "Memorial Day Sale" should be regarded as a bottom-feeder who is enriching themselves from the memories of those who did the hard work of fighting and dying.

So, on this fake holiday, I say to you:

Spend Nothing!

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Klanned Karenhood Is a Sleazy As We All Suspected They Were

The conservative parental rights group Moms for Liberty plans to spend more than $3 million on a multi-state advertising blitz to increase its membership and engage voters before November, following through on a pledge it made last year to become more politically active across the country in 2024.
The coordinated push in presidential swing states also raises questions about the group’s intentions and funding. The nonprofit has long classified itself as a grassroots collection of like-minded parents. But Moms for Liberty co-founder Tina Descovich told The Associated Press that the new campaign came about as "investors" have approached the group wanting to see it “grow in specific states.”

She declined to identify the funders, and the nonprofit is not required to disclose them as a federally recognized 501(c)4 social welfare group. Federal Election Commission records show the group's affiliated PAC, Moms for Liberty Action, has received $161,000 since October from Restoration PAC, which is funded by the conservative billionaire Richard Uihlein. Restoration PAC didn't respond to a call from the AP, and it was unclear whether its funding was supporting Moms for Liberty's latest campaign.

So much for Klanned Karenhood's claims of being a grassroots organization. They're nothing more than an astroturf group, operating on dark money from the same sort of über-rich assholes who are backing the TOFF and who think that they can control him. But Cadet Bone Spurs is no more controllable than the other thugs that the rich have tried putting in power in other nations before: Hitler and Putin, to name two. In both those nations, the monster of the rich turned on them and it will happen with Don Snoreleone, as well.

Well, Today Kinda Sucks

I've managed to acquire both a dose of poison ivy and a sunburn. They're not overlapping, but they are, in a spot, close to one another. The sunburn came from doing some lawn reseeding, the poison Ivy, maybe from clearing some vines that were beginning to strangle a tree.

Of course this happens on a holiday weekend. I'm hoping that the OTC stuff works OK, because I'd rather not have to make yet another trip to the ER. I've made a few in the last twelve months as it is (one from my own stupidity).

But the cookout is off. I don't think standing/sitting around outside is a wise idea, for the moment.

Your Sunday Morning Turboprop Noise

C-130 takeoff. Interesting flight profile.

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Trump is Lying About the Mar-a-Lago Search and if You Believe Him, You Are a Blithering and Gullible Idiot Who Should be Watered Twice a Week.

Federal prosecutors on Friday asked the judge overseeing the classified documents case against Donald Trump to bar the former president from public statements that “pose a significant, imminent, and foreseeable danger to law enforcement agents” participating in the prosecution.

The request to U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon follows a distorted claim by Trump earlier this week that the FBI agents who searched his Mar-a-Lago estate in August 2022 were “authorized to shoot me” and were “locked & loaded ready to take me out & put my family in danger.”

The presumptive Republican presidential nominee was referring to the disclosure in a court document that the FBI, during the search, followed a standard use-of-force policy that prohibits the use of deadly force except when the officer conducting the search has a reasonable belief that the “subject of such force poses an imminent danger of death or serious physical injury to the officer or to another person.”

Trump is lying. Fox News is lying. Anyone you read or hear who says that the FBI was going to kill Trump is lying. The easy proof is that Your Orange Demigod was not at Mar-a-Lago and it takes a really gullible sap to believe that if the FBI wanted to shoot Trump in the search, that they are too fucked up to do the search thinking Trump was there.

But hey, if you believe the bullshit that Trump and Fox spew on a daily basis, there's really no hope for you.


The Ypres cat festival and parade.

People come from around the world for it.

(Non-paywalled article.)

(Why the name of the city may seem familiar.)

Friday, May 24, 2024

Feel the Burn

Hypocrite, thy name is Boebert:

I may have something later on Haley the Great Flip-Flopper, who is now voting for the man she said was an unhinged lunatic who wasn't qualified to run a parking lot, but that is such low-hanging fruit that I almost need an entrenching tool to get at it. I'm curious as to what she got for selling the last shred of her integrity to the TOFF, but I'll bet it wasn't much at all. Ambassador to Chad or the Central African Republic, perhaps?

Because It's Friday

Somewhere else, I reckon.

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Twenty Years Later....

On May 7, 2025, U.S. travelers must be REAL ID compliant to board domestic flights and access certain federal facilities.

So... Twenty-four years after the 9-11 terrorist attack and twenty years after Chimpy signed the Real ID Act to set federal standards for identification cards, that grade of ID is going to be required to board a flight.

That is some fast-moving policy implementation, there.

Something These Down Here, Redux

I screwed up and, instead of setting today's memes for the afternoon, they went live just after midnight.

Sorry about that shit.


Baling These Down, Here

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Alito is a Constitution-Hating Trumper (And the GOP is Full of Grifting Hypocrites)

Alito was flying a Christian Nationist/J6 flag at his beach house.

Last summer, two years after an upside-down American flag was flown outside the Virginia home of Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr., another provocative symbol was displayed at his vacation house in New Jersey, according to interviews and photographs.

This time, it was the “Appeal to Heaven” flag, which, like the inverted U.S. flag, was carried by rioters at the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. Also known as the Pine Tree flag, it dates back to the Revolutionary War, but largely fell into obscurity until recent years and is now a symbol of support for former President Donald J. Trump, for a religious strand of the “Stop the Steal” campaign and for a push to remake American government in Christian terms.

Alito is telling us that he is a election denier, a Trumpanzee, and a Christian Fascist. He's further from being a non-partisan judger of facts and law than Clarence Thomas. He is signaling that for all to see. Is there any wonder that the level of public trust in the Supreme Court approaches that of time-share salesmen?

Meanwhile, a GOPer running for office, who has been lambasting government spending, has been suckling at the government teat for a very long time:

In his bid to become North Carolina’s first Black governor, Republican Mark Robinson assails government safety net spending as a “plantation of welfare and victimhood” that has mired generations of Black people in “dependency” and poverty.

But the lieutenant governor’s political rise wouldn’t have been possible without it.

Over the past decade, Robinson’s household has relied on income from Balanced Nutrition Inc., a nonprofit founded by his wife, Yolanda Hill, that administered a free lunch program for North Carolina children. The organization, funded entirely by taxpayers, has collected roughly $7 million in government funding since 2017, while paying out at least $830,000 in salaries to Hill, Robinson and other members of their family, tax filings and state documents show

He's no different from Thomas: Benefiting from government programs and then seeking to pull up the drawbridge.

Really Bad Lawyering, Guys

A troubling discovery last September on a Boston-bound plane received an unexpected response from American Airlines in a legal filing.

In an effort to not be held financially liable in a civil lawsuit in Texas, attorneys for American Airlines appeared to blame a 9-year-old girl for allowing herself to be secretly recorded by a flight attendant's phone in an airplane bathroom.

In a filing this week, the airline's attorneys say the harm to the child was caused by her “own fault and negligence,” and by her “use of the compromised lavatory, which she knew or should have known contained a visible and illuminated recording device.”

American is throwing their insurance company's attorneys under the bus for this and claim this was an "error". Maybe so, but cripes, didn't anything think this through? Sure, blaming the plaintiff is an old strategy, but when it's a kid who was recorded by a perfert, who the hell thought that was a good idea? Did nobody foresee that the first thing the plaintiff's lawyers was going to do was print it out, highlight it, and send it to a reporter (or post it online)?

I can just hear the phone call from American Airlines/the insurer to the law firm: "Are you people really this fucking stupid?"

Some lawyer(s) going to be shown the door so the insurance company doesn't dump that law firm. If they haven't already.

I Have a .32 Gun in My Pocket for Fun.....

A Lipsey's S&W 632UC:

A range report will be forthcoming. I was a little leery of buying a new Smith; the one I bought a few years back was a large amount of drama.

These supposedly have been given some custom treatment over the generic J-frames. The rear sight is far better than the "gutter trench" and the front sight is a big dot with a tritium center. And the 432/632 is not in S&W's catalog, they are exclusive to Lipsey's.

GOP Is Coming For Your Bedroom

The party of limited government is only interested in making it easier for the rich to get richer. But as for the rest of you, they're more than happy to regulate what you do in the bedroom.

Former President Donald Trump on Tuesday said he was open to supporting regulations on contraception and that his campaign would release a policy on the issue “very shortly,” comments that he later said were misinterpreted.

The comments, made during an interview with a Pittsburgh television station, suggested that a future Trump administration might consider imposing mandates or supporting state restrictions on such highly personal decisions as whether women can have access to birth control. During an interview with KDKA News, Trump was asked, “Do you support any restrictions on a person’s right to contraception?”

“We’re looking at that and I’m going to have a policy on that very shortly,” Trump responded, according to a video of the interview that was briefly posted online before it was supposed to air, then taken down.

The more bat-shit crazy wing of the GOP, including Clarence the Corrupt, have been open in saying that they want to overrule Griswold v. CT, negate any right to privacy and get the government into regulating what people do in their bedrooms and what publications they can read. The TOFF is signaling that he is OK with all that, including using the Comstock Act to prohibit the mailing of anything that the Christian Taliban views as being improper.

Which is pretty much anything other than religious tracts.

If you don't want to live in a religious theocratic dictator ship, don't vote for a Republican. Any Republican. At any level of government. Because those neo-Nazis/Talibanistas are out there.

Sunday, May 19, 2024

1-800 Customer Service, Everywhere

If True, the Irony is Kilometers-Thick; Russian Ed.

I haven't taken the time to run this down, but StrategyPage is saying that the Russians are talking about giving up a vast chunk of their territory in the Far East to China, comprising 9% of Russian territory, in payment for dual-use war material supplied by China.

If it's true, the irony is rich that Russia has gone to war to try to conquer Ukraine and will lose a vast chunk of its Asian territory in the process. I doubt if that's going to go over well with the Russian nationalists, let alone the Russian people, when they figure it out.

Your Sunday Morning Jet Noise

(Somehow, this went live last Tuesday. Deleted and reposted. Maybe.)

A KC-135 in the Mach Loop.

Not exactly a low pass, but that airplane's probably older than the pilot's parents.

Saturday, May 18, 2024

It's Called "Self-Inflicted Wounds"

An upside-down U.S. flag has long been a sign of dire distress and versatile symbol of protest. But in January 2021, when it flew over the home of Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito, it was largely seen in connection with a specific cause: the false claim by then-President Donald Trump’s supporters that the 2020 election had been marred by fraud.

The revelation this week about the flag flying at Alito’s home was the latest blow to a Supreme Court that was already under fire as it considers unprecedented cases against Trump and some of those charged with rioting at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021.

Little Brave Sammy has been throwing his wife under the bus, saying it was her dispute with a neighbor. Which, frankly, is bullshit. He knows what the symbol means. He knows the inherent risks of any sort of political display by a judge.

And now we have two, count them, two justices who it can be fairly said have bought into Dolt-45's lies about the election being stolen. Two justices who have staked out partisan positions. And at least two justicies who have been more or less for sale, accepting favors from billionaires. And there are damn few of that class of folk who don't know the value of a buck and who are well aware of what they buy for their money.

The Supreme Court has been, in the last two decades or so, a corrupting influence on our country. Making it nearly impossible to prosecute corrupt officials. Opening the door widely to buying the political process. And having justices who are in debt, whether morally or financially, to billionaires.

The "fire" that they are under is self-inflicted.


Friends help friends clean their heads

Friday, May 17, 2024

Because It's Friday

CP 2816:

"Lens lice" are still a problem.

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Sammy Alito is a Partisan, Trumpist Hack

Prove me wrong.

After the 2020 presidential election, as some Trump supporters falsely claimed that President Biden had stolen the office, many of them displayed a startling symbol outside their homes, on their cars and in online posts: an upside-down American flag.

One of the homes flying an inverted flag during that time was the residence of Supreme Court Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr., in Alexandria, Va., according to photographs and interviews with neighbors.

I almost prefer Thomas's brand of venality, at least his hackery is for cash and favors. Little Sammy's because he wants to drag this country back to the Middle Ages.

This Cake Was Baked From the Start

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott issued a full pardon Thursday for [Daniel Perry,] a former U.S. Army sergeant convicted of murder for fatally shooting an armed demonstrator in 2020 during nationwide protests against police violence and racial injustice.

Everybody knew this was coming. The perp could have killed some more people and the outcome would have been the same. Once Putin's Favorite American Pundit began running his mouth, the pardon was a done deal. They only had to finish papering the file and stepping through the paces.

Who Gives A Fuck About This Clown?

The commencement speaker at Kansas’ Benedictine College, a private Catholic liberal arts school, congratulated the women receiving degrees — and said most of them were probably more excited about getting married and having children.

Harrison Butker, the kicker for the Super Bowl champion Kansas City Chiefs, is getting attention for those and other comments last weekend in which he said some Catholic leaders were “pushing dangerous gender ideologies onto the youth of America.”

Really, who gives a fuck about this guy? His job is kicking a football, a job that doesn't exactly require much more than a room-temperature IQ. But this crap is getting a lot of minutes on the news shows, because reasons.

Less important to those morons on the teevee are the various wars going on that threaten to suck in the rest of the world.

Tedding These Down, Here

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

I Don't Know Who These Guys Are and I Don't Care; Gun Ed. (Yes, I'm Old)

Rost-Martin RMC1.

I don't much follow developments in striker-fired pistols. If I were to get a striker-fired, double-stack 9mm,[1] I'd get a Glock or a S&W M&P or Equalizer and call it good. Probably the Smith, as I prefer safeties on cocked (or semi-cocked) guns, or double-action. Because I am old, almost as much as these guys, and I know what works for me.

The new hotness seems to be reflex sights. More and more guns are coming either ready to accept the various adapter plates (like the RMC1) or they have such sights installed. When I go to a local USPSA match,[2] I see a lot more people using reflex sights. Most are on gamer-type guns. Once or twice I've seen somebody shooting a carry-sized gun with them. Not sure what that's telling me.

Changing gears, I read a recent profile about Judith Butler, of whom I had never heard. Butler uses they/their/them pronouns, which is fine for Butler. But, having grown up with grammar rules that distinguishes between singular and plural pronouns,[3] it's a little difficult for me to shift gears and realize that "they said that" or "it was their opinion that" is about a single person. I can understand why that is used, for the traditional non-generded signular pronoun would be a little bit insulting, maybe.

Yes, I'm old. So I'm going to close this and go outside to yell at clouds for awhile.
[1] Which I'm not going to to, because hi-cap magazines are illegal here.
[2] IDPA seems more rule-y. USPSA doesn't seem to care that much at a Level 1 match, since I am a member of neither.
[3] Enforced with the smack of a ruler, if need be.

Slow Dogs and Fast Dogs

The Circus of Suck-Ups and Ass-Kissers Continues

Bible Mike the Second showed up in NY to kiss Former President Petomane's ring and suck his tiny mushroom dick. Because that's what all of the politicians in the Trump Cult are doing to show their loyalty to Don Snoreleone.

"Senator Tuberville appears to be the only person to ever get brain damage from coaching football.” -- Stephen Colbert