Longtime NRA leader Wayne LaPierre is too ill to commit to all-day testimony in his ongoing corruption trial in New York, his lawyer said in a court document made public Friday.
Funny how all of WLP's alleged infirmities came to light when he was about to have to testify with regard to all of his alleged graft and self-dealing at the NRA.
This smells like the tactics that Vincent Gigante pulled to stay out of prison for years. Maybe he's really ill.
But it does seem rather convenient.
Not a member of the NRA so I don't have any perspective, What does the membership say? is he their version of Donald Trump?
Hi Comrade,
I was previously an annual member that was on my way to an NRA Life Membership on a monthly installment plan, when all this WLP B.S. came out about him using the NRA as his personal piggy bank. I immediately shut off the automatic payment money spigot, but because I paid in so much already, I am an annual member until November 30, 2027. Whether I go beyond that depends on them purging their ranks of crooks like WLP and the feckless leadership that makes the NRA stand for "Negotiating Rights Away." Every piece of mail that arrives from them goes directly from my mailbox to my recycling barrel, and I have unsubscribed to all their emails. That said, they are still a prime source of training, and I will be attending a Basic Range Safety Officer course this weekend.
I now have a paid up Life Membership with The Second Amendment Foundation, and sent them a $200 contribution to their legal funds so they can continue suing the crap out of disarmament tyrants nationwide.
At least Vinnie the Chin put on a good show, shuffling around Greenwich Village in his PJs when he was running his charade. When I see WLP shuffling around his gated community in his PJs I might believe him, or not.
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