Johnson is saying that no aid to Ukraine is possible anytime soon.
Nothing has changed when it comes to the far Right and aggression by Euopean tyrants. They closed their eyes to it in 1914 and 1939 and they are holding their eyes tightly shut in 2024.
The bare naked fact is that Putin has designs on other Euopean countries, including our allies. We can stop the Russians where they are and it will only cost us more money.
Or we can turn our backs on Ukraine, the way that the Right wants to do now, and, like in the 20th Century, end up sending our young to fight and die to stop the Russians in 2025 or 2026 and spending a shitload more money to do it.
For some reason, the far Right loves dictators and hates freedom. They always have.
Ignorance Is On The Rice
32 minutes ago
Part of me rails at the infirmities of my age, and part of me says I'm glad I won't be around for this.
Me too, Mr Jones. It is all such a disappointment, watching these so-called Republicans tear our country apart. For what? What good is in it? I am going to hang on for as long as I can, because I can still vote. Even if it is from a wheelchair.
Never seen a commie invest their sons fighting aggressors. I have only seen them burning American flags and fleeing to Canada to avoid the draft. Brave little chicken shits.
The smirk you'll see on any face in any evangelical church pew.
What do you know about commies, boy? I burn flags: confederate flags. Wal Mart parking lot, was all over the news; it's easy. If the opportunity were to present itself would burn a swastika too. If someone were wearing it, well, that would be just too damn bad
You calling me a chicken-shit, boy? I've been to the edge, stood and looked down. I lost a lot of friends there ~ over fifty-six thousand (56,000)
You think you can back up your bullshit ... ?
Veritas, yeah, like all of the Republican politicians, from Bush on down, who did not send their kids to fight in Iraq and Afghanistan. Like your Orange God, who threatened to disown any of his kids who enlisted after 9-11.
But thank you for stopping by. I realize that studying Russian on Duolingo takes up a lot of your time.
Never seen a commie invest their sons fighting aggressors.
Forgotten the Vietnam War, have we?
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