Because, in the new financial reform bill, the automobile dealers retained their ability to fuck you over eight ways from Sunday.
What gets me, though, is that banks get to continue doing what they have been doing since the Senator for UBS Bank and his wife managed to gut all regulation of derivatives. They only have to set up "separate operations" for the derivative trading.
You can bet your last kopeck that the banksters will figure out how to continue on doing what they want to do. And the next time the shit hits the fan, this whole shell game will be repeated: The government will bail them out and millions will lose their jobs in a recession or the government won't bail them out and tens of millions will lose their jobs in a depression and we'll be lucky if the Republic survives.
The latter scenario, of course, is exactly what the party of Hoover has been working to achieve for the last 110 years.
Make Up/Break Up
1 hour ago
Banks are especially bad about only following the laws they *want* to follow. Drives me nuts
Well, if the dealership is offering me 0%, dang straight I finance my car through the dealership. But I don't darken the dealer's doors unless I've already gotten a preapproval from my local credit union at a good market rate -- and I make sure they know it if they try to screw me around on the financing.
- Badtux the Car-buying Penguin
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