That's, in essence, the idea of the Louisiana State Senate: Pray to G-d for a miracle to save the Gulf Coast from human folly.
If the Almighty even answered the plea, I would expect an answer from Him (or Her) along the lines of "All y'all got yourselves into this mess, you get yourselves out of it." The state government in Louisiana has been very, very accommodating to the oil and gas industry and their legislative delegation in Washington has bent over backwards to do the bidding of those folks and to make sure that any bothersome regulations are minimized or removed entirely.
Humans have free will for a reason. We were entrusted with it and, when we make a hash of our choices, it's not the job of the King of the Universe to save us from our own stupidity.
Small Talk, Big Trouble
17 minutes ago
1 comment:
Back when I went to church, my pastor was fond of a joke.
Flood's coming. Guy decides he's not leaving. Neighbors come by, say "flood's coming: time to go!" Guy says "God will save me." Flood comes. He's upstairs because downstairs is flooded. Police show up in a motorboat, tell him to get in, he refuses, saying "God will save me." Flood waters rise more. He's sitting on the roof, when a Coast Guard chopper shows up and tosses down a ladder. He signals no and mouths "God will save me!"
and he drowns.
And he goes to Heaven and marches up to God and says "WHY DIDN'T YOU SAVE ME?"
And God slaps him silly and says "I sent you neighbors, a motorboat, and a HELICOPTER! What more do you want?
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