The governors of Gulf Coast states, most of whom have been relentless promoters of offshore drilling, issued proclamations urging people to pray for the Almighty to step in and stop BP's underwater gusher.
Meanwhile, Bobby Jindal has been kvetching about the offshore drilling moratorium and Haley Barbour has been complaining that the moratorium is "worse than the oil spill". That is when he hasn't been telling people that they should be coming to visit Mississippi because there's no oil there.
I've visited Mississippi. As far as I can see, the only reason to go to Mississippi is because an Interstate highway goes through it. Mississippi's main function in life is to give Georgians the ability to point and say "their schools are worse".[1] But I digress.
There is something deeply hypocritical about encouraging deep-water drilling and then, when it goes wrong, crying "who could have foreseen this ever happening" and then praying to G-d to "save us" from our own folly. Unlike a hurricane,[2] this is not a natural disaster or, as the insurance weasels put it, an "act of G-d". This disaster is 100% man-made and was caused by BP, a corporation whose culture encouraged disregarding safety protocols at every possible opportunity.
So, Barbour, Jindal and Perry, grab your log, surf's up!
[1]The unofficial state motto of Georgia is "Thank the Lord for Mississippi and Alabama".
[2] Even with hurricanes, man-made fuckery makes things worse. The destruction of the coastal marshes in Louisiana has made that state far more vulnerable to hurricanes and much of that destruction was caused by cutting channels to make things easier for the oil drillers.
Small Talk, Big Trouble
20 minutes ago
What the hell is a brickback? I am new to this...
If it is "like" or "thumbsup", I will use it.
I don't know how the hell I got to this blog, but I am glad I did. Oh, yeah it turned up one of the top google pages on a search for SSgt. Kenneth Hicks.
I started reading your blog and then just went with it. I could not find SSgt Hick, but I found a good peeky you on the web place to see what is on your fabulous mind.
A "brickbat" is either a piece of brick or a rock that is thrown at someone or an uncomplimentary remark.
I'm glad you found this blog.
As a product of Georgia public schools I just wanted to say I resemble that remark.
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