It would seem to be pretty thin.
Exhibit A: A piece by John Blake of CNN about why President Obama is not showing visible anger with regard to BP's oil catastrophe.
First off, the "white people are afraid of angry Black males" has to be about the stupidest, if not racist columns written by anyone other than Pat Buchanan.
Second, I've worked for bosses who were screamers and bosses who were not. One lesson I learned is that face-red, vein-popping screaming accomplishes nothing. Things that are broken don't respond to being yelled at.
Third, bosses who scream will end up being given the mushroom treatment[1] by everyone who works for them. Why give bad news to a boss who is going to react by screaming? Better to try and fix the problem or, if it can't be fixed, sweep it under the rug. If the boss ever finds out, you'll still be screamed at.
Those who are criticizing Obama for not going "enough is enough, I have had it with this motherfucking oil in the motherfucking Gulf" are idiots. No surprise that you can find them on cable news.
[1]The mushroom treatment- "Keep them in the dark and feed them shit."
Make Up/Break Up
1 hour ago
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