Yes, folks, even though they haven't been in the press much as of late, the Department of Homeland Stupidity, err Security, is engaging its trademarked brand of fuckery.
DHS is using helicopters to make certain that people canoeing down the St. Croix River camp on the proper side of the river. No word as to whether or not they are patrolling in gunships and will strafe errant campers, but I wouldn't put it past them, since they seem to take their cues from the East German Grenztruppen. (H/T)
Meanwhile, Ancient Pistol has been nominated to be the head of the TSA.
Small Talk, Big Trouble
24 minutes ago
"And patches will I get unto this cudgell'd scar, and swear I got it in the Vietnam War."
In the late 70's I canoed the St. John's and Allagash rivers, a two-week trip. I made a point of stepping out onto the Canadian side, when the border was right there.
The whole point of driving 8 hours on dirt roads was to get away, to enjoy nature... And now they've got those infernal machines chattering up and down the rivers all day?
"patrolling in gunships"
I now have this image in my head of a government canoe with the junior Border Patrol guy paddling in back while the senior guy mans the twin .50's up front.
Hope they make him eat a leek...
Most Border Patrol agents are intelligent people who try to apply common sense to the laws coming from Washington-as are most Arizona police.
From the link provided.
This is absolutely not my experience with any US border patrol agents. My
Canadian/US crossings in the last 15 years have all been rather unpleasant. To say the least. And I imagine that the only reason that I'd not have as much trouble in AZ is my lily white color. My crossing in and out of Mexico over the last 30 yrs has been rather pleasant due I'm sure to that skin color.
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