The Milquetoast Nanny State (formerly known as "Great Britain") is in the process of outlawing the use of beer glasses and beer bottles in pubs because they can be used as weapons.
No, this is not a joke. There is no word on whether they are going to mandate that every citizen in the UK wear a helmet, install safety rails on their beds, require the use of plastic scissors and whether they are going to wrap foam-rubber padding around all parking meters and utility poles so that their most loyal subjects don't hurt themselves. But you can bet that the British Home Office will be looking into it real soon.
Make Up/Break Up
1 hour ago
I'd wager the beer itself is a bit more dangerous, statistically speaking, than some sharp edges.
I suppose the Ministry of Silly Walks is going to supervise the implementation of this new law (yes, obligatory Monty Python reference -- the Pythons would have had a field day here).
But really. Brits drink their beer WARM. What do they need with beer glasses anyhow? Give'em paper cups, that's all that warm beer deserves :).
- Badtux the Snarky Penguin
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