Does anyone have any first-hand experience with the Bersa ultracompacts?
I like the DA/SA feature and that the thing retails for half (or less) than an equivalent Sig or a commander-sized 1911. When I carry (albiet rarely), my carry gun is a .357 Taurus knock-off of a Chief's Special, loaded with .38 +P hollow-point semi-wadcutters (the FBI used this load before they went to automatics). There's nothing wrong with that, but I kind of like the idea of a handgun round that begins with a "4".
The price of the Kimbers, et al, is too much for me, but I can swing a Bersa.
Small Talk, Big Trouble
23 minutes ago
I own 2 Bersas and they are hammers, their heavy and solid and you know you have a weapon in your hand and as much as I have read your blog for some time I know you don't want no wussie shit. The compact.9mm I have is nice, the mags arn't cheap and Bersa don't allow for no after market stuff to inserted in their weapons as of yet. Holsters there's only a few of those and I have a Houston RP1 wich works for both my.40 and .9. I enjoy the extra beef and the price is good for me. The rest of the gun manufacturers should take notice that their shit does stink.
Terry, thanks for the input. The .45 seems to be in the same weight class as the Kimber-type compacts.
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