I played this video for a co-worker. The question she put was basically this: How can you trust a photograph or a video anymore to be a true representation of the facts?
Seriously. It used to take some real darkroom skills in order to fake a photo and, as for a movie, that was even harder. But now?
Have we gotten to the point where photographic evidence should be seriously questioned, if not banned as proof of a fact?
Make Up/Break Up
2 hours ago
No question about it. Images and videos have no value anymore as "proof" of anything. I imagine they'd have some use if from a trusted source and/or backed up by a witness who swears it to be accurate.
But stuff like that video ( funny, but not very convincing... kind of like this)
Here is an oldie but a goodie:
Flight 405
I downloaded that one back when nobody (outside of college kids) had access to high-speed internet. When a fellow attorney and I were doing a test-run of a new courtroom that had been wired for digital graphics, we used that video to test things out.
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