Assume, for the sake of discussion, that what is going on right now is a lot of crap that is being funded by the health insurance people to protect their obscenely overfilled rice bowls, that a lot of the money for the Astroturfing is coming from them.
There has been some discussion over the last few months that in various regional markets, there is no meaningful competition within the health insurance industry. Whether by accident or design, in many parts of the country, there is no real choice.
So if the health insurance industry wins on this and torpedoes any meaningful reforms, might they then be faced with a lot of examination on anti-trust grounds from both the Feds and the states? Might "Plan B" entail some good old-fashioned trust-busting?
Small Talk, Big Trouble
19 minutes ago
With the lack of investigations on what caused the current economic crisis and how to prevent it from happening again, I have little faith that there will be any trust busting.
The only trust being busted is the trust of the American people/
I hope the AG is reading this. Good idea.
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