There is, of course, an alternate view to the one I expressed last night. That is: If the current health care bill is widely despised by conservatives (which it is) and by progressives (which it increasingly is), then it may be the best bill we can get.
Matt Taibbi, of course, disagrees. I was going to quote from his piece, but it's better if you read it.
Small Talk, Big Trouble
16 minutes ago
Found a delightfully relevant cartoon from 2006 that Woody at "The Well-Armed Lamb" just posted:
I wish it could be posted widely and often across the net.
No bill would be better than one that forces us to buy health insurance. The government has a terrible record of enforcing the law on financial institutions. I see no reason to expect that will change. The only way that insurance companies will treat us properly is if there is a government program that is available to anyone. In fact, they may not even do it then. It will just be harder for them to profit from it for long.
I applaud Matt's try at shaming the democrats. I do not believe that Barack will sign any bill that does not get exactly what he wants. Single payer!
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