The GOP is going to go on a cruise. Seriously, for nothing says "we want to reach out to the middle class" like going on a cruise where the cabins start at five grand a pop.
(I suppose that chartering a submarine and buying a few Mk48s or Type 65s is out of the question.)
Make Up/Break Up
2 hours ago
IIRC the Noordam was the Fixers favorite cruise ship. I hope Holland American has a good cleanup crew.
"diesel boat and a coupla torpedoes"
Oh, mais non, Comrade! I am surprised that a round motor aficianado like yourself would not immediately think of a Fairey Swordfish with its single torpedo and hardy crew of three!
Hey, if it was good enough for Bismarck...
Besides, it's much more romantic than sneakin' up on 'em underwater. Let those Repugs all wonder what's goin' on and rush to the rail right above where the fish will hit. Heh.
BTW, the fact that Holland America is Fixer's cruise line of choice is what prompted me to post that in the first place. We love to kid each other.
Gordon, as much as a Swordfish might be nice and romantic, I think a Grumman Avenger might be more obtainable. Or maybe even a Spad.
Oh, those'd work, but they're too new. Closed cockpits and not enough wings. I'd like the pleasure of firing the Lewis Gun at the Repugs with my left hand whilst dropping the torpedo with my right and flying the plane with the other, scarf streaming in the breeze :)
Obtainable? Doesn't the Royal Navy still use them?
Not hardly. They went out of service less than a month after VE-Day.
Harrumph! Well, tish poo.
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