It has been fun.
Since Operation Shavedown. George has been treating me to the Turds of Disapproval. I've not stepped in any, but that's not been for his lack of trying.
Gracie had a bit of an upset stomach. She barfed up a too-small hairball and her dinner last night, then followed that up with another barf at 5AM. She wasn't very interested in breakfast, but she did eat dinner.
She also was not happy because she was subjected to the Unholy Torment of the Ass Shampoo.
At least there has been no drama from Jake. He's about as easy-going as they come, as long as it doesn't involve riding in a cat carrier. He can yowl, at varying levels of volume, every four to five seconds for three hours.
It'll be an early night for me. And yes, I love them all.
Small Talk, Big Trouble
18 minutes ago
It's because we love them, right? Just this morning I cleaned up hairball barf and more poop out of the box.
Ass shampoo!!!!!!
Last summer I got some electric clippers and gave Nick, my Maine Coon, a nice lil' haircut.
He hid under the couch for a week, then he made himself sick and I had to take him to the vet and put him on medication.
No more kitty hairdressing at Chez Zipdrive.
As for the puke and crap, it never ends. And they never do it in the kitchen or bathroom- it's always on the Oriental rugs or wherever I walk the most.
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