I don't. For that matter, I don't trust Joe Lieberman.
Say that you are the CEO of a company. There is a person who works for your toughest competitor, be it a crackerjack engineer, a top-notch saleswoman, a really savvy finance guy. You decide that you want that person working for you, so you make subtle contact and gradually woo that person from your competitor.
Now that person is working for you. Do you trust him? Do you think she is loyal to your company? After all, you've just shown that your new employee can be bought, for you just did it.
I don't trust either one. I probably trust Specter even less, for I well remember that when the party of Hoover was in control of the Senate, he made brave noises about confronting the Bush Administration on wiretapping and other blatant violations of the Constitution. But when it came to to pick up the hammer and bring it down, Specter reached for the Nerf hammer.
Specter is a weasel. He may be the Democrat's weasel, now, but he is still a weasel.
Small Talk, Big Trouble
24 minutes ago
I agree about Specter- he's a douchebag.
But he'd better toe the line with the Dems or he can kiss that next primary goodbye.
With respect, if you expect Specter to toe any sort of line, you're overusing meds. Specter will continue to support the Democrats, but only when they don't need him.
Living in PA and having voted for Specter in the past, I can assure you that he is indeed a self-interested ass. He'll do what's good for Arlen, and that's it.
Let's hope that Harry the Mild has sufficient stones to bribe Specter to go along with the Dems on cloture votes -- and withdraw the bribe if Specter does not, in fact, go along with them on cloture votes. As for the fact that Specter is a douchebag, who cares. The only thing that counts is that magic number 60.
- Badtux the Practical Penguin
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