This is a benchrest rifle. It is designed to be fired from the shooting rest you see here. The job of this rifle is to shoot very small groups of holes into paper targets at long ranges.

This is a hunting rifle. It is designed to be carried afield and used to take game. It can also be used for target shooting and most rifles such as these will indeed fire the vast majority of its cartridges at paper targets.

This is a sniper rifle. It was built in 1943 to shoot Fascist invaders. Still, the vast majority of cartridges fired through it were likely aimed at paper targets.

In basic function, there is no significant difference between all three of these rifles.
And yes, I will do the same thing with the AR-15 platform.
As long as you build it with skill and lots of love, it will shoot better than you can, but that is still going to be sweet. And you probably shoot very well.
Only one of those rifles is mine.
I'm no great hand with a rifle. I don't shoot often enough. Worse from my perspective, the ranges here are pretty much benchrest-only; I can't shoot prone or kneeling or sitting or any of the "jackass" positions that Jeff Cooper described in his book "Art of the Rifle".
The ranges here also max out at 100yards, which isn't much help in getting experience with wind doping or any of that.
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