Bush lied us into the Iraq War.
Bush lied. Scores of thousands of Iraqis have died. Bush lied. Cheney lied. Over four thousand Americans marched off to their graves because of those fuckers. Powell lied. Rumsfeld lied. Tens of thousands of Americans have been left with life-long disabilities because of those greasy manipulate scum-sucking weasels. Tenet lied. Rice lied. Every one of those fuckers lied. Trillions of dollars of our tax dollars down the fucking drain; we will be paying off this illegal war well into the next century.
OK, so when do we start the impeachment hearings, guys? When do we start the war crimes trials?
If we're not going to do any of that, then this report is just an exercise in futility.
We’d Love To Hear His Opinion On Pineapples!
1 hour ago
Not a chance. The only way for that to happen would be for somebody to give him a blowjob.
Sad to say, that is exactly right. We'll impeach a president for getting oral sex and lying about it. But let a president lie us into a war, blow through trillions of dollars of cash in doing it, kill over 4,000 American troops and a hundred thousand or so civilians, and ecch, that's just another day on the job.
This country is so screwed up.
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