I want to know how she can get the nomination by a means that does not involve either outright chicanery or assassination, other than her pathetic "I can get the white trash vote" claim, with her minions whispering that "the uneducated whites ain't gonna vote for no nigra."
If I want to vote for a Republican, I can vote for McCain. I don't need to vote for a Democrat who is running as though she had Karl Rove whispering into her ear every night.
UPDATE: Her campaign is $20 million in debt. Which means that it owes over $8 million to various vendors, since she has "lent" the campaign over $11 million.
UPDATE II: And then there is a group that is supposedly pushing a unification of the two campaigns. Except that the group pushing unification is nothing more than a front for the Clinton campaign.
There is only one way that Hillary wins, and that is if Obama dies. That's it. Otherwise she's toast.
Which makes a penguin wonder what she knows that we don't....
-- Badtux the Conspiracy Penguin
"Twisted minds think alike," it seems.
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