Go about 4:20 into this clip. (The movie is Battleground, one of the best war movies ever made.)
43,000 soldiers who were medically unfit for duty have been deployed to Iraq. That is roughly two large divisions' worth of troops.
Think about that for a minute or five. We are sending people into combat who, in earlier wars, would have been deemed to have been too old. We are sending augmentation forces from the Navy and the Air Force to do Army jobs in Iraq. We are sending in the walking wounded.
In any rational environment, doing one of those things is a sign of trouble. Doing all of those shows that we are critically short of manpower for this war. Steps like that are not "building on success" (or whatever clever turn of phrase the Bush Administration cares to proffer). Throughout history, steps like that are a sign that an army is on the edge of defeat and is just hanging on by its fingernails.
Pretending otherwise is no more than buying into propaganda and lies.
(H/T to Alternate Brain)
We’d Love To Hear His Opinion On Pineapples!
1 hour ago
They're going to end up brining back the draft eventually -- esp. if they go in to Iran.
years ago, watching Battleground....when the soldier first saw his shadow, I had tears in my eyes. I did again, watching it. No question, it is THE best war movie ever made. It is still HORRIBLE. Remember when the one guy took shelter under the blown tank and when his buddies came back, he was frozen?
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