That is the Electoral College. It was put in place, in part, to give outsized influence in selecting presidents to slave states. It remains the most undemocratic part of our system of electing people, for it makes the presidency and vice presidency the only elected offices in the country for which it matters not how many people voted for them,
And if you live in a state that reliably goes one way or the other, your vote is more or less meaningless. Your only other way to have a say is to donate cash.
I know, it's not going to change, sort of a constitutional convention. Republicans like it because they have a shot at winning despite rarely having the most votes. The so-called swing states love it, because it means that people pay attention to them.
But it's undemocratic bullshit and if Republicans were honest with themselves, they'd admit that. They're depending on a slavery institution.
So you could argue that modern Republicans love slavery, which is a hell of a fall from their origins.
Red Hot Chili Parents
48 minutes ago
You can't blame Nixon for this,vote%20of%20339%20to%2070.
Media outlets in swing states love it, because of all the advertisements they get paid to run.
As a resident of a swing state, I the electoral college because of all the advertisements the media outlets run.
Also, the electoral college increases the number of earthquakes.
Due to fracking, Oklahoma now has more earthquakes than California. The electoral college's tipping point state last time was Pennsylvania, where fracking leads to profits for a few, which means neither candidate wants to ban fracking. Annoying Orange wouldn't ban it anyway, but Harris had to backtrack on the issue.
If a Democrat ever lost the popular vote and won because of the EC, we would never hear the end of how illegitimate their Presidency was. WaPo and the Times would cheerlead the whole fucking thing.
Living in Michigan I can attest to the amount of TV ads I have to endure. Changing the channel just gets repeats of the same ads. And Trumps and Mike Rodgers(R) running for the Michigan Senate are the most truth twisting, outright lying and disgusting of all. We even have to put up with road closures in my area because one of the two presidential race clowns have landed at or are speaking at Oakland Count airport. Don't want to rush winter but will be glad when November comes and is farther along.
Well, next to last: the incarceration exception in the 13th Amendment conmtinues to permit slavery, and like the OG slavery, it harms working-class free people by vastly undercutting the cost of their labor.
Prison industries are a HUGE thing all over the country, and every one of them take food off the table of free, law abiding workers and incentivizes that horrifically large prison population this country has.
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