On this one issue, at least: Mexico abolished Daylight Savings Time last year.
Standard Time is better for our health. Like or not, we are animals and we have internal clocks that are aligned with the Sun (and Standard Time).
Economic interests would prefer permanent Daylight Savings Time, but that should be no surprise. They're more than willing to damage everyone else's health if they can make a buck out of it.
We Keep Pushing To Make Each Generation Better Than The Last
24 minutes ago
We in Arizona don't do Daylight Savings either. I suppose our ancestors feared it was a commie plot.
Daylight and Standard Time are artificial constructs. Going permanent is the key whichever way is chosen.People will adjust quickly enough, barring another avalanche of BS from Fox Fake News and the like.
You guys are all missing the point. How does this affect shareholder value?
It doesn't make any sense in Mexico. It only makes sense the further north you go. If they ever chose permanent standard time, the first summer people are going to complain "It didn't used to be dark this early". If they choose permanent daylight time, admittedly a stupid choice, the first winter people are going to complain "It didn't used to be dark this late". People want the sun when they want the sun, they just don't like the consequences of what it takes to do that.
It would be best if they just kept one kind of time all year. Being retired I don't have any thing schedules at all except maybe medical appointments. But it still messes me up for a week after the change and even when I still had a dog it messed her up to. As far as a person's natural day/night rhythm,I started work for years at 6AM but have a daughter that starts at 10AM and neighbors that start at 9AM.So which start time had the right rhythm? And I'm sure a dairy farmer's cows don't reset their clocks.
Funny you should mention that Dan Greene. My brother used to work at our neighbor's dairy farm and he said the cows were out of sorts for a couple of days when their milking time changed suddenly. You're right about people's natural rhythms, those were permanently messed up by the industrial revolution.
I understand that we here in CA. voted to can Daylight Savings Time a few years ago now. It won but promptly disappeared from the public. The rumor is it was stuck on McConnell's desk in the not-to-be-seen-again pile. With Mitchy (rhymes with what?) checking out, will those lost bills now resurface? I understand it won but who really knows. State's Rights and small government, and all that, except when it goes against Rethug wishes. I didn't even touch my clocks last night and you know, the sun came up, the creek didn't rise, and everything is still the same. Who would have thunk it?
Bingo Seafury! The point is to keep the rest of us off-balance, unquestioning ...
UGH! Just woke up to a new time standard. Meal time and body time are now out of sync. Probably take a week to get that reoriented.
Chasing clocks not linked to NIST's Fort Collins radio broadcast.
For those who want to grok WWVB and the science behind clocks setting themselves:
The only reason that animals get messed up is because of the humans that take care of them. If the farmer milked the cows at 7am, then he can easily switch to 8am for the milk time. But the distributor would have to move his collection time to 9:30, the pasteurization plant would have to start at 11:00, the shipping would start at 1:00, deliveries to the stores….
It’s the humans that cause the problems. So far I. My life, I’ve never seen an animal wearing a watch.
I move my cat’s feeding time to keep it the same by solar time.
In my province (British Columbia) we had a referendum about this four years ago.
The only choices were: keep switching 2 x a year, or permanent DST.
The vote was for permanent DST but permanent standard time was not even a choice.
I recall at the time watching a TV news programme and a sleep researcher from the University was "debating" this with some soccer mom who just kept repeating, "but this is the way we all voted" and that she needed another hour of day so young Trevor or whatever his name was could work on his kicking skills... guess that just happens magically.
Groups of scientists have written in to the provincial government about this several times pointing out that we need permanent standard time, but I guess we've all resolved not to listen to experts for now....
Anyway, that was 4 years ago and we haven't done it yet, for the reason that we were going to do it in the first place: Washington, Oregon and California have all decided for permanent DST but haven't done it yet either... when they do, we will.
So many people forget that the entire United States went to permanent DST back in 1974, for about a year and a half... everyone hated it so much they switched it back (also, this was in the middle of the oil crisis so people probably fixated on it as some kind of austerity measure).
ITs Wednesday and I still get up after the suns up and to bed around the same time with is now midnight (used to be 11).
I really don't care if its DST or ST, stop changing back and
forth. Not changing saves me the problem of twice a year...
Is the clock right?
Also the effort to make sure or correct it.
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