I was part of the way through writing an essay on the courts and why those black-robed political assholes are seriously fucking things up. Then I read this, which I largely agree with.
(Other than the shit about the draft. Committing national suicide in order to remain ideologically pure is not a defensible position, in my opinion.[And let's not forget jury duty.])
Anyhoo, go read it and make up your own mind.
We Keep Pushing To Make Each Generation Better Than The Last
51 minutes ago
Powerful observations. No justice system is perfect, but the take over of our courts by religious zealots has moved us from "balls and strikes" jurisprudence "where the Court’s task is to interpret the meaning of a law, to decide whether a law is relevant to a particular set of facts, or to rule on how a law should be applied. Lower courts are obligated to follow the precedent set by the Supreme Court when rendering decisions."
The High Court no longer follows precedent (in fact turning precedents on their heads), has broken down the wall separating church and state, used specious "facts" to guide findings, and is actively making laws.
Don't get me started on the ethics issues several justices face. Impeachment is needed, now.
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