Orange Felon Can't Tell Me What to Do

Words of Advice:


"If Something Seems To Be Too Good To Be True, It's Best To Shoot It, Just In Case." -- Fiona Glenanne

“The Mob takes the Fifth. If you’re innocent, why are you taking the Fifth Amendment?” -- Trump

"Foreign Relations Boil Down to Two Things: Talking With People or Killing Them." -- Unknown

“Speed is a poor substitute for accuracy.” -- Real, no-shit, fortune from a fortune cookie

"Thou Shalt Get Sidetracked by Bullshit, Every Goddamned Time." -- The Ghoul

"If you believe that you are talking to G-d, you can justify anything.” — my Dad

"Never Get Into Anything With a 'Jesus Nut'." -- every fixed-wing pilot

"Colt .45s; putting bad guys in the ground since 1873." -- Unknown

"The Dildo of Karma rarely comes lubed." -- Unknown

"Eck!" -- George the Cat

Karma may sometimes be late to arrive.
But it never loses an address.

Monday, September 7, 2020

Take a Rumor, Add Some Racism--- MAGA!

"A fake Facebook post about St. Louis schools goes viral with MAGA crowd and racism ensues" is the title about how a racist rumor regarding Chromebooks for kids was eagerly snapped up and passed around by the MAGA Morons.

It's pretty depressing and yet it's eminently predictable.


Eck! said...

Lifted from:

Propaganda is the back door hack into your mind

1. THE BIG LIE - Always choose the big lie over the small;
the masses will believe it more readily.

2. FOCUS - Use only one or at most two selling points

3. REPEAT - use them over and over until your enemies
know them by heart.

4. BLAME - Never waver, acknowledge no doubt; always blame,
never credit the other side. Debase, Defame, dehumanize.

5. PROVOKE - First attract attention, then appeal to emotions.

6. CRISIS - Shades of gray don't work: Issues must be life/death,
good/evil, freedom/slavery, love/hate.

Gee, sounds like drumpf, and his magat cultists,
make the lie, believe in the lie.

Every time I try to back follow stuff like that its invariably
false or marginally true to a minor part with a false extending
story added. Some are outright fake news as in a fabricated
from the whole cloth.


B said...

And yet, you keep quiet when the same thing happens about a black criminal being shot by a White cop....And the lies and half truths spread like wildfire via facebook and other social media

It isn't like the folks (if there were really all that many) in your article decided to riot and loot and burn....Or do you think that tat reacting to like about white cops and balck criminals and spreading the same sort of misinformation is OK because they are "your" side?

But hey, gotta keep that TDS hatred alive, right? Always denigngrate those with whom you disagree. Call ;em racist just because they think differently that you do.

Both kinds of behavior are wrong. But you only decry that behavior when one side does it. Double standards. Because you hate the Make America Great again people.

BTW, have you seen the post (s) on FaceBook? How do you know the article is true and not yet more misinformation? Are you as guilty about spreading false information?

Comrade Misfit said...

A) The reporting stands for itself. Tony Messenger has won a Pulitzer for his work.

B) This is my blog. I'll say it again: This is my blog, B. Not yours. I get to choose what I write about. Not you. I don't go on your blog and throw down a charge of whataboutism. I don't go on your blog and demand that you write about other subjects. I don't go on your blog and demand that you research things to my satisfaction.

You don't like what I write. You don't care for the fact that I routinely cast shade on Your Lord and Master, the Orange Shitgibbon. That's fine. But I don't answer to you. I'm not going to change my writing style and content choices because they don't suit you.

If you can't deal with that, as my grandmother would say: You are free to leave by the same door that you came in.

Eck! said...

No B your a one trick pony and whataboutism is your only game.

when we talk about A, your going but what about B. Well your not
listening, rude, and interrupting when adults speak. More than
likely we will get to your topic and then you can chime in.
However when we do, you will likely be whatabout somthing else
when we are on B,C or D....

Its not the usual ad homenin as we are not denigrating your
subject out of context other than its not relevant to the
conversation about the orange shitgibbons outrageous acts.

IF taking about TDS raises your hair maybe your need to
think about why.

News flash, your feelings or whatever they are have no basis
in facts we can observe or are associated to anyone that
is not the purveyor of 2x10^5 lies and counting or currently
serving time.

As they say don't go away mad, just go away...


DTWND said...

Technically, B, the black men murdered by the police were only suspects during the confrontations; meaning they were not convicted of the crimes for which the interaction occurred. That they had been convicted in the past of other crimes has no bearing on the situation in which they died. Previous convictions, most of the time, are inadmissible in a court case.

Trump is a fool, he says foolish things. He lies, provides misleading information, berates those that call him on his behavior, uses schoolyard name-calling, and criticizes folks for doing the same things he himself has done. He preys on the fear of those on the right, the lemmings that are more concerned with winning than is what is good for the country. In short, he is a hypocrite.

Are those that support Trump cheering for the lies? The half-truths? The crass behavior? Really? If your neighbor, Uncle, coworker, etc acted the same way, can you HONESTLY say you’d still support and hang around with them? Are you really like that? A self-centered, egotistical that cares for none but yourself and family? Your support and excuses for the acts and actions of this President are inconceivable to me.


Dark Avenger said...

“ To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public.”

― Theodore Roosevelt

B said...

"Whataboutism" bothers you because it points out your hypocrisy.

Dark Avenger said...

Can’t defend Trump, so go after the messenger telling you the truth about him. Your worship and insistence that Trump can do no wrong reminds me of idolatry, B.

Eck! said...

"Whataboutism" bothers you because it points out your hypocrisy.

B its not hypocrisy, it is your disbelief of facts in evidence.
As to "Whataboutism" is not an issue for me save for its you
trying to change the topic.

Obviously critical thinking was absent.

You use circular reasoning to end up at non sequitur. The origin
point is Drumpf tells the truth and that is circular as now he
has told 2.2*10^5 lies. So if what he said is a lie then the
truth is not available from him but observation of his history.
So to beak out of the belief in the circle of lies requires
examining truth noth belief and feelings. Truth can be
discovered and often confirmed by others.

So if someone presents a truth that conflicts with a known
serial liars statements the weight of the truth is higher
and if confirmed by others is then true not a fiction
that supports the lie.


B said...

What "evidence"?

" Unnamed Sources" ? By a partisan reporter?

It is as bad as the folks who spread the MAGA story. Repeating unverified statements simply because that story fits your view. It's called "Confirmation Bias". Most of us are guilty of it at some point.

If you felt the actions of the folks in the original post were bad, then you are a hypocrite for allowing yourself to do the same. Double standards....

Dark Avenger said...

Fox News confirmed the report, B.

CNN)For years, Fox News has worked to undermine and discredit the work of other news organizations that have reported damning details about President Trump and his administration. But on Friday, something unusual happened: The network turned a skeptical eye toward reporting from its own correspondent.

After spending much of the day bashing The Atlantic for Jeffrey Goldberg's jarring report which said Trump had disparaged military members who died in service to the country, Fox News itself confirmed key aspects of it. In a lengthy Twitter thread, correspondent Jennifer Griffin said she had confirmed Trump disparaged veterans; didn't want to honor the dead at the Aisne-Marne Cemetery; and did not want to lower flags after the death of John McCain.
An actual news organization would aggressively tout that it had matched much of the reporting at the center of the biggest news story of the day — especially given that Fox rarely delivers on original reporting of its own. And it would have mattered because Fox viewers are so often shielded from the truth. But Fox didn't proudly hold up Griffin's reporting. Instead, it acted as if it were ashamed and inconvenienced by it.

What kind of American President asks for reporters to be fired, B?

Ten Bears said...

If you like Russia so much, b, why don't you move there?

The Captain's suggestion is far to polite: get out, your kind isn't welcome here.

You want to debate me as to who's American and who is not? Boy ...

Eck! said...

>> It's called "Confirmation Bias". Most of us are guilty of it at some point.<<

B, you assume and present no facts and use that as your argument
everyone else is wrong. You use fallacies well known to debate
your idea of truth is correct, the ultimate one true scotsman.

You have not yet launched an original thought I have not read
elsewhere from not you.

Yep, and as a scientist and engineer I have rigorous ways to avoid that.
Since your programmed that all news not fox is fake you limit your sources
and ability to cross check.

Facts and corroboration is not hard to find but the basis is them man
lies and does so incessantly so if he says he didn't then its opposite
day, he did or someone in his stead. The man is a unqualified phony

Take your propaganda back to whatever foreign source with you.
