Trump is crying because he hates, hates, being mocked.
Being in political life pretty much requires one to have a thick skin. Trump's skin is as thin as an onion's. That he wants to exercise some form of retribution for being mocked is frightening. For there is, no doubt, some low-wattage Trumpanzee who might do something stupid because he thinks Trump has ordered it.
Parenting That’s Depressingly Decompressing-ly Bad
59 minutes ago
Not nearly as thin skinned as Obummer was.
“I did not mean that Conservatives are generally stupid; I meant, that stupid persons are generally Conservative. I believe that to be so obvious and undeniable a fact that I hardly think any hon. Gentleman will question it.”
John Stuart Mill
I've been packin'. Been a while.
Really, Tewshooz, care to provide any evidence? Obama attended, and was roasted at, the White House Correspondent Dinners throughout his Presidency, Trump has ditched the two so far. As for media or opinion pieces on Obama being thin-skinned, they are limited to those of the EPPC (Conservative Christian think tank) and Jan Brewer (ex-Republican governor). Donnie’s thin-skin is legendary, and is reported by Conservative, Independent and Democratic publications, sites and opinion pieces. So, do tell...
Alec Baldwin: "Are you threatening me Mr. President?"
-Doug in Oakland
And years from now someone will be doing the "but donni did it". If it is
the other side, well? You cannot be critical of the stuff put out by those
you like and having it come back from those you don't like.
It is a weak argument and only a fool persists in repeating it.
It is hard to go back in history and not see a president ridiculed or
or otherwise satirized or made fun of. If anything its the bedrock
of our origin as a country and the origins of the first amendments
and basic premise of the Constitution.
So I say to Outraged Orange that a thick skin is required and remind
him they are at least aware of him as being ignored is rather painful
for someone that craves attention.
LBJ to the Smothers Brothers: “It is part of the price of leadership of this great and free nation to be the target of clever satirists. You have given the gift of laughter to our people. May we never grow so somber or self-important that we fail to appreciate the humor in our lives.”
WaPo: The SNL sendup side by side with the (un) real thing. Oh. My. SNL was outrageous, but when you put the real and the unreal side by side, you see how closely it tracks. Which begs the question: where is reality.
Also: see Poe's Law
Go easy on Tewshooz cause even if he has two he needs four .
Glenn, easy on the personal slurs, please.
Anyone who uses childish terms like Obummer or Barry is merely a dog baring their teeth, and has forfeited the right to civilized conversation.
DA, that's not fair. I've referred to Chimpy, the Quarter-Bright Prince, Emperor Disgustus Maximus, Vlad the Torturer, Lord Voldemort, Torturer Dick, El Caudillo de Mar-a-Lago, Cadet Bone Spurs, Deadbeat Donnie, Putin's Poodle, and that's just for starters.
“Is are children learning?”
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