Christian Bale delivers one hell of a performance in the movie.
But slow-moving? Somewhere between a glacier and a pitch-drop experiment. It's a two hour movie that feels almost twice as long.
We’d Love To Hear His Opinion On Pineapples!
55 minutes ago
Slow moving? I beg to disagree. It went at just the right pace to keep me gobbling up whatever was about to happen next on the screen like salted peanuts, starting from the first second's on-screen disclaimer, "Parts of this movie actually happened."
But it was the twists and turns of the plot, and the assortment of characters bumping into each other and stepping on each others' toes that held my attention. The only reason I'm glad it's not a three hour movie (like, for example, The Wolf of Wall Street) is that halfway through American Hustle I felt I had to pee, and there was no way I was going to leave my seat until the end.
Crankily yours,
The New York Crank
I thought Jennifer Lawrence could be arrested for larceny because to me she flat STOLE that film.
She was really good and I enjoy her parts of it...
All The Best,
Frank W. James
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