The folks at Bullshit Mountain News (BMN) had to deal with the fact that they were so terribly wrong in their forecasts of the election.
Jon Stewart had a lot of fun with it. [Clips one, two and three.]
What the folks at BMN are doing is classic "Frank Burns" mode: "It is G-d's will or someone else's fault."
Nate Silver was on the Daily Show last night and he refrained, mostly, from gloating about the triumph of arithmetic over gut feelings.
Make Up/Break Up
2 hours ago
Thanks, EBM, for the MOBMN links! I shared a link (with atrribution) over at Prarie Populists and Progressives ( ).
Oops. that link is Sorry.
The talking heads guarding the inhabitants of Bullsh*t Mountain from rejoining the world of the sane just won't budge an inch will they? Fox News is a propaganda machine which dumbs down America by the day through disinformation and their slanted agendas. See their anchors spewing forth feces from their mouths in my visual homage to the network on my artist’s blog at
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