I was at the polling station ten minutes after it opened and out the door in about eight minutes.
If you haven't voted, get off your ass and go vote.
If you are eligible to register to vote (or if you registered) and you didn't vote, then shut your goddamned yap about politics. Your opinion is worth dogshit. Actually less than dogshit, for at least that has some function.
Vote, people.
Make Up/Break Up
1 hour ago
Dear Miss Fit:
Just curious...as a recently arrived resident of the Show Me State, how would you assess the 'hassle factor' of the voter registration process?
(I registered in VA when I moved there 4 years ago and recall it as painless.)
(BTW...in CT today, voted in VA by absentee ballot, also painless.)
Done. WE vote by mail in ballots here in this red county in the blue side of Washington State. I paraded around all weekend and yesterday with my big red/white/blue Obama tote, too...just to make red heads explodey-like.
Unfortunately there are people in places like Pennsylvania and Florida who are in line now and will likely still be waiting after the sun sinks below the horizon, and we can only hope that the vote they cast will be counted.
Good job herlanderwalking keep those heads exploding. Also from a very red area love to irk the wingnuts.
I wonder about the last few weeks of "dead heat" business, when it was pretty clear to competent statisticians that Obama had a clear lead. Even today, the lies continue. What's the purpose of that? Do they think they'll get some additional votes from people that only want to vote for a winner?
Or do they want to set up outrage and more when a 'shocking' Obama victory happens?
Voted early last Wednesday—been basking in sloth since.
It's way too red around here to GOTV to any effect. When one of the polling places is the very catholic church that ran my apolitical wife out with their hyper "religious freedom" whining and no one gives even a thought to how intimidating it must be for a Democratic catholic voter to go there risking excommunication and eternal damnation, you know there's something wrong with the election structure. The front lawn is covered in crosses with a big sign proclaiming "4,000 babies killed every day". Nah, not intimidating at all.
ZJX, ORD, ZAU retired
"Motor voter" registration when I got my driver's license. Easy-peasy.
We, the two of us voted this evening. Another set of nails in R/Money's coffin. Gotta put that Lyinn Ryan critter back in the ground again too.
Eddy Munster had some cuteness but not Ryan, but the Hair is so the same ???
Here is to the victory dance
Fellow former ASA geek,
Been doing my part also, more than a few heads have achieved orbit from my rhetoric.
Your new site and I have issues, mores the pity for I always enjoyed it.
Spud, I have no idea why the site isn't behaving for you. Might want to try using a different browser (like Opera). I've had a couple of issues in the past with some of the recent Firefox releases.
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