A year or so ago, I was given a Garmin Nuvi-1450 GPS, which was nice because it came with "lifetime updates".
Except now, if I want to update the fucking thing, I have to accept a partial database, because there is not enough room on the goddamn thing for a map update, not unless I buy a micro-SD card. And because I now live in the central part of the US, the dividing line between where the fucking piece of shit thing will work and where it won't is a hard day's drive.
I deleted the foreign keyboards and the foreign language files to free up space. Not enough, it seems.
Garmin's customer service contact form is of no help.
I'll probably just go buy a new road atlas. I rarely ever got lost with one of those. The goddamn traffic alert function on it rarely worked right, anyway; it either alerted to nonexistent blockages or didn't alert to a massive jam.
Paper maps. Revolvers. Tailwheel aircraft. Uhh-rah!
Small Talk, Big Trouble
23 minutes ago
Yep, 'free' isn't always free. At least now if you go down a one way street the wrong way it will be YOUR fault, not the GPS (not that I've ever done that) @&*%# Boston traffic...
And concur on the other two also!
If you think that they are ARFPC, you should try them in EUROPE! It has streets where there have never been streets, it does not have streets where there have been streets since the Wermacht used to invade France. A do not forget the convenient feature, I would say bug, but I have been told on numerous times that their software is tested, where it just goes tits up and reboots itself and puts its hands in its pants, plays with it self until it can find enough satellites to start to figure where the F it is (good for at least 5 minutes)
I do not update the maps, eventually the frigging battery gives up, so I just buy the cheapest one that the local electronics store has and start the crap dance all over again.
Ha! You too?
Clients sometimes tell me "You should really get a GPS!" I always reply "Why? I have a smart phone and a map book." Sure, I replace the book every few years. The phone is automatically updated by Google and usually has embedded traffic info.
Of course, a decent sized SD card can be had for less than an atlas. But on the whole I find that stand-alone GPS units for auto navigation are dead. The built in units, while overpriced, are much better but an expensive bitch to update. That being said, I love the 7 year-old system in my car (Alpine/Honda). The really curious thing is that many newer units are less useful and harder to use that my old unit/
I had a similar problem and was able to contact Garmin tech support. The tech was excellent, and over the phone walked me through deleting dozens of files to eventually yield enough room for a full update. Give them another try.
Garmen and there software can go and get fucked! They are a piece of shit - if they don't freeze they don't install and if they install they freeze. Fuckin piece of sheet....
Yep, had the same problem with a Garmin Nuvi. Wouldn't charge, sent it off, apparently gor replacement unit, same problem exactly one year later. Two years in total, it has completely broken down. Will now charge or receive external power. Customer Service was useless, said they wouldn't accept replacement unit back for repairs as original purchse (of original unti) was over one year ago. The pint is, replacement unit is also faulty!
What a rip off. Don't bother with Garmin, go and find something else.
I noticed these same problems as not enough space for updates, so I put in an additional card in mine so there is enough space for them. Why would you manufacture a product that downloads updates with not enough space to handle the update?
And, whats up with the batteries running down in one day or so?? My old 2495 always lasted a long time so I could input new address etc while I'm sitting in the house. Why would you build a mobile device of any kind without using reliable batteries that will hold a charge or charge up for that matter? This is all to idiotic for smart people in companies that want to improve their image. This company is making it blatantly noticeable they don't give a shit about their products they develope-only want your money so they can run the other direction after the sale is final. You know what? i'm going to run in the opposite direction when I buy another one. This is my last Garmin product which I bought in 2015. No More crappy products going to bought, and hopefully others will think twice too. I will buy from their competitor or Europe made brand instead.
If we all quit buying this crap and no one buys their products, then they will go down under into the big hole they cant climb out of until they start producing better products with longevity and with quality materials going into them, in mind!!
What a fu..n idiot in the planning department, and the CEO should not be paid to support this kind of garbage, knowingly. How can you support this kind of shit, in any company?
What kind of moron does things like this??? You'd be better off sticking a gun to your head and pulling the trigger ahead of time, than to let this shit out into the public with the word 'FAILED' written across your forehead-cause that is what it is.
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