The Michael Jackson albumThriller was released 30 years ago.
The video came out a year later. Cable TV was in its infancy, compared to today. Most TV viewers received over-the-airwaves broadcasts; even HBO was usually broadcast in metro areas. And the comparatively few people who saw music videos saw ones where th bands were playing and maybe some scantily-clad women were dancing around the musicians. The video of Thriller changed everything.
Make Up/Break Up
2 hours ago
Yep, cause he sure as hell would have NEVER made it on Ed Sullivan... :-)
You think YOU feel old? Over on the Patricia Polygon blog, she's got a clip more than 40 years old of Arlo Guthrie singing Alice's Restaurant. Cripes, I remember not only when he was skinny, but when everybody in America knew — and felt, yes, felt! — exactly what he was singing about.
These days, it's old folks" music. Grrr.
Very crankily yours,
The New York Crank
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