First off, the voice number that I was told that I would have isn't the number that I am going to have. So I am glad that I was cautious enough not to order business cards.
Second, what pack of imbeciles would send an installation tech to a commercial office building on a Saturday without giving any notice?
If you guessed "AT&T", you were right.
UPDATE, as of 9/9: The phones still don't work. But "Uverse", which apparently is a spiffier form of DSL, does work. AT&T says that there is an "issue with the wiring". So why Uverse works and the phones don't, when they use the same motherfrakking wires, is something that the AT&T guy I talked to couldn't explain.
Into the 9th day, now. Comcast was fucked up, but never this fucked up.
Make Up/Break Up
2 hours ago
Not to brag but I do like my small town. Came home from work and noticed the cable co. cleaning up after a dig at the junction to the highway. Got home and the cable was out. It's about 4:55 when I called the company and I figure maybe tomorrow? I guess they called the guys cleaning up and my cable was back on in 10 minutes. Small towns can be good in many ways.
I live in a small town. Fuck load of good AT&T cares.
Get you some AT&T posters for the next time you go to the range.
Not at all sure what the "issue" might be with your wiring. For over three years, my local phone co (and my ISP, so far as I know no corporate "relation") insisted that I needed to maintain a dial tone in order to make use of DSL. It was the only reason I maintained a landline at my residence.
Long story short - when my phone service got cut off in the midst of an ongoing dispute (thanks a lot, guys - they "promised" no service disruption if I paid the disputed balance - paid, and guess what? Right.) I was panicked that my DSL was going to be cut off as well. Turns out, surprise! They seem to have been lying to me all along. It's several years later now, and my DSL still works fine with NO dial tone (though, as always, YMMV). Bastages!
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