This is the way they deal with protestors who are lawfully walking down the sidewalk: A big cop grabs each one by the arm, drags the protestor into the street, and then arrests them into the street, and then arrests them for obstructing traffic.
When the NYPD talking about "serve and protect", they are serving and protecting the top 0.1% of the economic pyramid. They are serving and protecting the class of people that would have had dinner with Mayor Bloomberg.
As for everyone else, the NYPD is as much interested in protecting you as the U.S. Army was in protecting the average Iraqi.
Cat Pawtector!
5 hours ago
Protect and Serve? My Ass.
I was a visitor to the Anti- Nam expressions in the mid 60's. I graduated Berkeley High School Class of 71. I have personally seen things from law enforcement, that make My blood run cold. Violent death should never be the result of lawful protest.
This latest round of abuses has the same stink, but things have yet to change.
Forgive me if I am also "jaded: my teenage years include cops shooting buckshot At My Dad, in a crowd admitted, but on a private lawn and public sidewalk not "in the street" or yelling anything. Standing outside of his Office, On Telegraph Avenue, for simply watching a demonstration and trying to breathe some un-gassed air, in Berkeley Ca. on what should have a been a regular work day. When another person in the crowd standing next to him caught a piece of buckshot in the back of his hand, My dad the Veteran and Humanist, took him inside and bandaged his wound.
Then my Dad went home to our home in the "hills" and we got to watch helos circle half the night.
The NY Pd ? Horse feathers in this world of hurtfull shit.
"Home of the free"? Not hardly.
Been there, tried that, and it didn't work.
Fortunately, tjis appears to be Emperor Bloomberg's final term. Unfortunately, at least according to the rumors, his Police Commissioner, Ray Kelley, (envision Popeye in a business suit) is said to be thinking of running for Mayor. I shudder.
Crankily yours,
The New York Crank
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