One of the things that the Wingnuts were having fun with in 2004 was the fact that John Kerry spoke French. Some of the more unhinged members of that subspecies referred to French as "the language of surrender".
This time around, it's Mittens who speaks French. And you hear not one peep about that from the Right.
(Yeah, they were also poking fun at Kerry for being rich. Kerry released 20 years worth of his tax returns. Not just the two years that Mittens says he'll release, probably because it was only three years ago that he stopped doing the seriously amoral shit that he had to report. I imagine that, up until then, Rmoney had a serious position in a biotech stem-cell startup, along with holding a goodly amount of Blackwater/Xe/Sparkle-Pony-of-Death stock.)
Make Up/Break Up
2 hours ago
I saw a news headline that said a hacker had access to Mitt's returns.
That's a story I really want to believe. We'll see.
Sorry Nangleator, smelling like a hoax. An Entertaining One, but still.
And one with strong whiffs of extortion. I'd rather just keep the pressure on Mittens to release the truth.
I saw a news headline that said a hacker had access to Mitt's returns.
That's a story I wouldn't believe. Only two entities have access to Mitt's returns -- the accounting firm that created them using a team of tax accountants (each an expert in different areas of tax law), and the IRS. If Mitt's returns end up floating around on the "black" sites, one of those two deliberately leaked them. I won't go into the technical details of why that's so, let's just say that both of these entities are basically unhackable for a number of technological reasons, some accidental, some not.
Oops, I forgot about a *third* entity that had 15 years of Rmoney's tax returns -- the John McCain campaign. Now *that* senile old buzzard, I seriously doubt that his campaign office had any real computer security. It's be ROFL-ific if the returns end up on "black" sites and it turns out that the McCain campaign was their source :).
According to International Business Times, extortion is definitely involved, and it's probably a hoax.
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