A planned wedding in a Baptist Church in Mississippi had to be relocated to another church because members of the congregation got upset when the found out that the bride and the groom to be wed were Black folks. The good folks of the First Baptist Church of Crystal Springs, or some of them, threatened to have the preacher fired if he went ahead and married the couple in the church.
The wedding party moved their ceremony to another church. Presumably one that believes that the admonition to "love thy neighbor" is color-blind.
Ah, good old Mississippi. Even in Alabama, they're scratching their heads over this story and asking "no shit, you clowns really did that?"
(For the three people who didn't understand the title reference, click here.)
Small Talk, Big Trouble
16 minutes ago
1 comment:
But hey, racism is dead, Republicans say. Obama got 1 white vote in Mississippi not because of the color of his skin, but because there was only 1 white Democrat in Mississippi. This wasn't about race this was about... uhm. They said it was about race? Err, alrighty, then!
- Badtux the Disgusted Penguin
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