Red Hot Chili Parents
58 minutes ago
A blog by a "sucker" and a "loser" who served her country in the Navy.
If you're one of the Covidiots who believe that COVID-19 is "just the flu",
that the 2020 election was stolen, or
especially if you supported the 1/6/21 insurrection,
leave now.
Slava Ukraini!
Wells Fargo and Goldman Sachs received Wells notices over mortgage-backed securities disclosures, according to regulatory filings.No doubt the SEC has drafted up the harsh letter of admonition that they will send out, following their investigation.
Goldman Sachs disclosed the Wells notice in its 10-K, while Wells reported the notice in its 2011 annual report to shareholders.
The notice from the Securities and Exchange Commission concerns "the disclosures contained in the offering documents used in connection with a late 2006 offering of approximately $1.3 billion of subprime residential mortgage-backed securities underwritten by GS&Co.," Goldman said in its regulatory filing.
Telling a crowd of supporters that the separation of church and state “makes me want to throw up,” GOP presidential candidate Rick Santorum today proposed replacing church and state with a new entity he called “sturch.”I can totally see Frothy proposing that. It wouldn't be the weirdest verbiage to come spewing out of his mouth.
“Merging church and state into sturch will benefit all Americans,” he said. “Except maybe Jews.”
Mr. Santorum said that the combined entity would offer greater convenience to the American people than the separation of church and state currently does, since Americans would be able to get salvation and motor vehicle renewals at the same place every Sunday.
"I come back to Michigan; the trees are the right height."Pandering to the trees?
Frothy, the wingnut homophobe,You can take it from here. But I can't think of a happy ending that doesn't involve Jesus showing up and kicking Frothy's ass around the block a few times.
Always wore a sweater vest,
About his religion,
He said it was the very best.
The adherents of other beliefs,
He proclaimed their faiths phony,
To his narrow way of thinking,
They were guilty of blasphemy!
With just one day until the key Republican contests in Michigan and Arizona, a new survey of likely voters indicates that in a match-up between former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney and former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum, a majority would choose suicide over either candidate.Comedy, in order to be really good, has to have truth at its core.
The poll, conducted by the University of Minnesota’s Opinion Research Institute, shows Mr. Romney drawing 21%, Mr. Santorum 18%, and various forms of suicide 61%.
The most recent report, which represents the consensus of 16 U.S. intelligence agencies, indicates that Iran is pursuing research that could put it in a position to build a weapon, but that it has not sought to do so.So why the big neocon drumbeat for yet another war? Have we not shed enough blood and treasure to slake the bloodthirstiness of the blasted souls of the Kagans?
Although Iran continues to enrich uranium at low levels, U.S. officials say they have not seen evidence that has caused them to significantly revise that judgment. Senior U.S. officials say Israel does not dispute the basic intelligence or analysis.
A group of United States senators, mostly Republicans, has called for President Barack Obama to take a more firm public stance over the nuclear dispute with Iran.and this:
Republicans are blaming Obama for the uptick [in gasoline prices]— which could reach $5 per gallon by summer's driving season...and you have some galaxy-class hypocrites.
Spurred by cases in which bodies of overdose victims were moved to thwart investigations, Illinois state Rep. Dan Beiser, D-Alton, is sponsoring a bill to make unauthorized movement of a corpse a felony.No mention of an exemption for good Samaritans, so unless you want to run the risk of spending seven years down the cellblock from a former governor of the state, let them burn.
HAMBURG, Minn.- A 42-year-old Minneapolis woman was uninjured when she was forced to land a plane in a plowed field near Hamburg.
Carver County Sheriff Jim Olson says the incident happened Saturday afternoon. The woman was the only person on the plane when her instrument panel lost power and she had to land.
A remote-controlled aircraft owned by an animal rights group was reportedly shot down near Broxton Bridge Plantation Sunday near Ehrhardt, S.C.I am not passing judgment on the circumstance of the use here, just the fact that Group A was going to fly a spy drone over Property B. I believe that it should be completely legal to shoot down or to blind spy drones and the the operators of the drones should be sued for invasion of privacy. Following a jury trial, the drone operators ought to be put in the stocks and the populace should be encouraged to pelt them with rotten vegetables.
A Washington, D.C.-based anti-meat advocacy group is asking the owner of a Las Vegas restaurant that prides itself on unhealthy meals to shut down after a customer suffered a medical episode and was hospitalized.Here's my suggestion: The "Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine" should go fuck themselves. I'm not a doctor, nor do I play one on the Internet, but I find it hard to believe that eating a hamburger would immediately trigger a heart attack.
Officials for the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine said Thursday they sent a letter to Heart Attack Grill owner Jon Basso, asking him to "declare moral bankruptcy" and close the restaurant.
The U.S. Federal Communications Commission said it won't let Philip Falcone's LightSquared Inc. begin service after an Obama administration adviser found that the wireless venture disrupts navigation gear.That's good news for everyone from farmers and motorists to pilots, but you've got to imagine that the greedy fuckers behind LightSquared have at least a six pack of high-priced lawyers who are geared up to fight this in court. This is why:
Federal agencies have determined that LightSquared's signals interferes with global-positioning system devices, Tammy Sun, an FCC spokeswoman, said today in an e-mailed statement. The FCC is preparing to withdraw the preliminary approval it granted last year for LightSquared to build a high-speed network serving as many as 260 million people, Sun said.
The rejection is a blow to [billionaire Philip] Falcone’s Harbinger Capital Partners hedge fund, which has invested about $3 billion in LightSquared. Harbinger lost 47 percent for investors in its main hedge fund last year as Falcone, 49, was forced to cut the value of Reston, Virginia-based LightSquared by more than half.Oh, they'll fight it. But since hedge funds are the financial equivalent of betting on horses, those clowns should indeed lose big once in awhile.
WASHINGTON—Saying the now critically endangered species of politician is at high risk for complete extinction within the next 10 years, Beltway-area conservationists announced plans Monday for a new captive breeding program designed to save moderate Republicans.Other than that, Я ничего не имею. I had stuff to do for most of the day, and other than flipping on the Whitney Houston is Still Dead Channel*, I haven't paid any attention to the news or the blogs. On the WHISD Channel, there was a news crawl that the bond ratings of several European countries have been downgraded. In a rational universe, one might think that of more significance than the transportation arrangements for the corpse of a formerly popular singer, but that's not the world which we inhabit.
Los Angeles (CNN) -- Legendary pop singer Whitney Houston was found dead at a Beverly Hills, California, hotel at age 48, officials said Saturday night.She had one hell of a set of pipes and for whatever reasons or personal demons, she threw that talent away for drugs.
The entertainer, whose incredible talent was discovered at an early age, was pronounced dead at 3:55 p.m. (6:55 p.m. ET) at the Beverly Hilton despite resuscitation efforts, a police spokesman said.
The Marines weren’t charged with any crime or disciplined because they didn’t understand the Nazi connotation and thought “SS” was short for “scout sniper”-- the elite Marine unit in which they serve, said Master Gunnery Sergeant Mark Oliva, a spokesman for the 1st Marine Expeditionary Force.Bullshit.
“They didn’t know what the ‘SS’ stood for,” Oliva said. “They had no idea it actually connected them to a Nazi-related organization.”
The landmark $25 billion settlement reached by the federal government, 49 states and the nation's five biggest banks will provide long-overdue relief for hundreds of thousands of homeowners who have been struggling to navigate the mortgage mess created by lenders.$25 billion to let them of the hook for the most massive fraudulent scheme in history. $1,500 to be paid to people who were screwed out of their houses, probably most of them by the use of forged documents.
A woman thought to be the world's last known surviving service member of World War I has died aged 110.And so that war becomes the sole province of the historians, it no longer belongs to the participants.
Florence Green, from King's Lynn, Norfolk, served as a mess steward at RAF bases in Marham and Narborough.
She died in her sleep on Saturday night at Briar House care home, King's Lynn. Mrs Green had been due to celebrate her 111th birthday on 19 February.
Rick Santorum had a breakthrough night Tuesday, winning GOP presidential contests in Missouri, Minnesota and Colorado, all of which is expected to breathe life into his struggling campaign and slow Mitt Romney’s march to the Republican presidential nomination.Romney has a shitloat of money, both his own and the cash that his predatory capitalist buddies have been dumping into Mitt's super-pac. Team Mittens is going around the nation, telling Republicans that he alone has the money to bury the others in advertising buys and that since he's going to win anyway, everyone should shut up, be a bunch of good little Germans, and fall into line behind Mitt the Inevitable.
Mr. Romney has had deep problems so far with the Republican base, going 1-for-4 in caucus states where turnout is dominated by highly conservative voters. Mr. Romney is 0-for-3 so far in the Midwest, a region that is often decisive in the general election. He had tepid support among major blocks of Republican voters like evangelicals and Tea Party supporters, those voters making under $50,000 per year, and those in rural areas.As others have pointed out, Romney won Minnesota in 2008 and last night, even with T-Paw's endorsement, he came in a distant third.
Rep. John Fleming has deleted his Facebook post linking to an article in The Onion about a fictional Planned Parenthood “Abortionplex.”"Literally Unbelievable" blog broke the story. This was the Onion article that Fleming fell for. According to the Wikipedia article on Fleming, he is a physician and a businessman.
In a Facebook status on Friday, the Louisiana Republican alerted his followers to The Onion’s May 18, 2011 article, “Planned Parenthood Opens $8 Billion Abortionplex” and wrote “More on Planned Parenthood, abortion by the wholesale.” Fleming’s spokesman Doug Sachtleben confirmed to POLITICO the post has since been removed from the congressman’s Facebook page and said the office had no further comment.The
I spent last year in Afghanistan, visiting and talking with U.S. troops and their Afghan partners. My duties with the Army’s Rapid Equipping Force took me into every significant area where our soldiers engage the enemy. Over the course of 12 months, I covered more than 9,000 miles and talked, traveled and patrolled with troops in Kandahar, Kunar, Ghazni, Khost, Paktika, Kunduz, Balkh, Nangarhar and other provinces.You should read the entire article. It's not long.
What I saw bore no resemblance to rosy official statements by U.S. military leaders about conditions on the ground.
Entering this deployment, I was sincerely hoping to learn that the claims were true: that conditions in Afghanistan were improving, that the local government and military were progressing toward self-sufficiency. I did not need to witness dramatic improvements to be reassured, but merely hoped to see evidence of positive trends, to see companies or battalions produce even minimal but sustainable progress.
Instead, I witnessed the absence of success on virtually every level.
"There is no spin in that ad. On this I am certain. l am certainly not politically affiliated with Mr. Obama. It was meant to be a message about just about job growth and the spirit of America. I think all politicians will agree with it. I thought the spirit was OK."Except the professional Republicans don't want to see job growth. They want to see the country continue to slide down into a depression. At a time when thousands upon thousands of jobs were still being lost, the Republican (and minority) leader of the Senate, Mitch McConnell, pronounced that his party's number one objective was to make this president a one-term president.
In what appears to be a reversal of Susan G. Komen For the Cure's funding cuts to Planned Parenthood, the founder and CEO of the nation's largest breast-cancer advocacy agency said Friday that the group would amend the criteria that sparked a firestorm.Color me: "Unimpressed." I doubt if there is a person out there who will be convinced that this was nothing other than a massive cave by the Komenies. They first kowtowed to the Christian Taliban on stem-cell research and on Planned Parenthood. Now they have again folded before a more powerful backlash.
"We will continue to fund existing grants, including those of Planned Parenthood, and preserve their eligibility to apply for future grants," Nancy G. Brinker, the agency's ambassador, said in a statement.
Karen HandelThe Komen Foundation could have chosen not to jump into this fight. But they have and they may have found that they have now drawn a big target on themselves. Planned Parenthood has probably scored over a half-million in donations since the news broke.
Senior VP of Fail
c/o Susan G. Komen Foundation
P.O. Box 650309
Dallas, TX 75265-0309
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