A 3" five-shot revolver in either .41 Special, .44 Special or .45 Colt.
The .41 won't happen, as manufacturers would be afraid that some nimrod would put them into his great-grandpa's .41 Colt and blow up the gun. A .41 would be wicked pisser, as it would be a moderately powerful concealed carry round and the diameter of the cylinder would be less than a .44 or .45. It probably could be built on a revolver the size of a K-frame.
Charter Arms supposedly is coming out with the "Classic Bulldog" with a 3" barrel. I guess I'll just have to see about that one.
Small Talk, Big Trouble
11 minutes ago
Yea that bulldog is a real cutie.Wonder if Smith would ever put a bigger cartridge than .38 in a J frame? Love my high standard but it is 'only' a .22. Big bore is much fun, and it doesn't need to be a magnum.
Had a .44 Russian "top break" once, took a few deer no problem but it was so out of time I have a dent in my cheek, still.
Had an original Charter Arms .44 Special. Shot it loose in four boxes of shells.
Smith made a 2" .44, the 296, with a scantium frame and a titanium cylinder. It went out of production a dozen or so years ago.
What's wrong with .357?
I ask for my wife, who's shopping for a 5-shot.
So, erm, what's wrong with all of the .357 3" 5-shots out there? Personally I think that for most mere mortals, that's probably the most powerful round that is reasonably controllable in that small a revolver...
How 'bout a Colt Defender - - >45 ACP w/3" barrel ??
Converted from S&W Wheel Guns to 1911s a year ago and haven't regretted it. Now a Les Baer fan (tho I do have a couple of Ponys).
Aye yes, a .357 Mag is a handful. But, a .38 +P hollow point in a mag cylinder is still a good defense, and much easier on the shooter.
For a concealed weapon a .38 snubby is actually not that bad, firepower-wise. Loaded with +P hollow points you have better stopping power than a 9mm, and most of the ultra-compact 9mm's have feed problems that make me nervous about their reliability when you need something that definitely, absolutely must work.
A .357 in a snubbie, even an all-steel one, is a bit of a handful. The muzzle-flash is, well, impressive and I don't know how much extra oomph you get out of a 2" barrel over a .38+P.
Bearsense, I'm not sold on the 3" 45s, not the least because they all seem to have a hellaciously strong recoil spring and there seems to be a lot of mechanical stuff going on in a very small package.
Comrade Misfit, if you're serious about wanting a 3" .44, e-mail me (my addy's in my blog profile). How about a S&W 396 - titanium 5-shot .44? Not cheap, but exactly what you specified.
Peter, it's on my wish list, but not for the foreseeable future.
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