And say that you didn't feel like bringing your laptop along. So you go into an Internet cafe, where you check your e-mail on AOL or Comcast. And you bring a cheap headset with you so you can use voice-over-IP to talk to your family and friends. And maybe you don't really like people watching you write semi-porn e-mails to your lover.
Well, guess what, sports fans: The FBI is going to want to know about you.
Because, as every police agency from the FBI to the Gestapo have always said: "If you are not doing anything wrong, you have nothing to fear from us spying on you."
Small Talk, Big Trouble
28 minutes ago
From their flier..
"It is important to remember that just because someone’s speech,
actions, beliefs, appearance, or way of life is different; it does not
mean that he or she is suspicious."
Extreme irony alert!!!
Brought to you from the Minitrue.
Many things are legal. For example, picking one's nose is legal (albeit icky). That does not mean one wants the FBI to have the video thereof.
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