The tools who "work" for the TSA managed to score another triumph. The TSA screeners at the Philadelphia Airport made the parents of a disabled four year old boy remove the child's leg braces and then required that the boy walk through the metal detector.
TSA, of course, blamed the parents for not immediately complaining to a supervisor so the officer in question could be "retrained".[1]
Feel safer yet?
[1] What should really bother cops is that the TSA calls its goons "officers".
Make Up/Break Up
1 hour ago
So the father said he's not going to sue...and the TSA wins again.
Good Gods. Yeah, in an alternate universe of Bush-Cheney Fear Flagellation, a couple would wire their kid to explode---so "swabbing for explosives" might be the right response. Sure. In MY universe, I'd have been tased for putting the removed leg brace up said TSA "officer's" ass.
I can see why a cop might not want to be a party to a Section 1983 suit, but, yeah, I wish he would sue them.
Not that anything changes. I have a friend that is doing a monthly commute by air and he has the utmost contempt for the TSA.
Just read the TSA to start random swabbing of hands to test for explosives. Guess we're lucky they're not swabbing our genitals.
Shhh...don't give them ideas; after all, that might have been closer to where the last guy stashed 'em!
I wonder what happens if someone has been to a target range a day or so before a flight.
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