We have a problem with our government that arose from the GOP and is now structural within the Federal government: There is always money for killing people and for buying the gear with which to wage war. There is very little money for helping people.
A lot of people complained with Bush41 turned his back on Afghanistan after the Soviets left. (Still more complained when Bush41 and Clinton approached Eastern Europe with an attitude of "we won, you lost", forgetting that most cultures in the world have memories longer than the mayfly-length memory of Americans.)
Much of the shit in Afghanistan now flows from Bush41's refusal to help. In spite of whatever we promise to do in Afghanistan, our enemies can point to our actions following the withdrawal of the Red Army and say: "The Americans promised to help you then and they left. Why trust them now?"
And they are right about that. If the Taliban were to magically disappear from the face of the Earth, we would leave and let Afghanistan descend, once more, into Warlordistan. The GOP and the nativist wing of the Democratic Party would scuttle any attempts for meaningful long-term aid to Afghanistan, absent an existing security threat.
Until we deal with our own problem, we stand little chance of ever prevailing.
Small Talk, Big Trouble
31 minutes ago
1 comment:
Perhaps we can found a government contractor for the purpose of killing enemies with tons and tons of carefully poisoned food.
Then, due to rampant corruption at the highest levels of the corporation (which the government has proven it will always turn a blind eye to,) the food is improperly poisoned, and in fact, is quite nutritious and yummy.
Then, in an act of sheer incompetence, (which the government will turn a blind eye towards,) the food is incorrectly delivered to our enemies, and instead to all the civilians displaced by our more boomy-type war activities.
Infinite funding for feeding, clothing and rebuilding, if we get the corruption and incompetence just right. And lots of nice PowerPoint slides of how many brown people we've slaughtered, so the GOPs can save their Viagra pills for another night.
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