The manufacture, transportation and sale of alcohol for consumption was outlawed in the United States. The pro-nanny state types refer to it as "the Noble Experiment."
It was an experiment, all right, an experiment in forcing an entire country to adopt the moral standards of a vocal minority. It was an experiment to outlaw a particular vice.
It was a miserable failure. While Prohibition did effect a lasting reduction in the amount of alcohol consumed, it created at least two generations of Americans who came to view the law as something to be flouted. The attitude developed by people during Prohibition was one of "there is no duty to obey a stupid law."
Prohibition gave a huge boost to organized crime, which in turn brought about the nation's first set of gun control laws.
The utter and abject failure of Prohibition did not result in lawmakers learning a fucking thing. Every time they find something that outrages them morally, they try to outlaw it. The so-called "War on Drugs" has done immense damage to our national freedoms and it is also an abject failure. Prior to the War on Drugs, the sight of heavily-armed cops in black uniforms and coal-scuttle helmets carrying out raids in the middle of the night would have resulted in a national uproar. Now, it is pretty much accepted.
Lawmakers keep trying to outlaw vices and they keep failing miserably. One would think that they would learn something, but politicians in need of pandering to the moralistic groups keep at it.
Our country is poorer for their efforts.
UPDATE: Thanks to Pat, Cops against the War on Drugs. One of them won a hefty settlement when his department fired him for speaking out.
Small Talk, Big Trouble
15 minutes ago
You might find this interesting:
Not without some indication that it is not a spam/virus site, sorry.
I've wondered if the WOD was a cover for the right to be able to make those midnight raids. Since at least the end of WW2 they seem to be totally afraid of their own shadows (and everything else) and of course for at least the last 90 yrs, that someone, somewhere might actually be having fun. It's more than they can stand, their 'lessors' actually enjoying life. It must be a bitch to be a conservative, always being in a snit that people can actually enjoy living. And having to piss on everyone else to bring others down to their level of dispare.
Sorry, not good at code but the site is ligit,
Have no idea what the .cc means but the site is "Law Enforcement Against Prohibition"
I have a high regard for what you do here. I have no motive whatsoever of misdirection. Thought it was very close to "on subject". Perhaps you will agree.
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