I saw "From Paris With Love." The story is pretty weak, but Travolta gives a great performance and with all the action, you might not give a crap about the story or wonder how Travolta can go around shooting up so many people without attracting the attention of at least one cop.
I managed to avoid "Shutter Island." A friend did not and said that it was one of the worst movies that she has seen since "Burn After Reading." She said it was a terrible story. I didn't ask if it met my criteria for a good Leonardo diCaprio movie (which is if his character gets whacked). She and I both hated "the English Patient", if that's of any help.
As much as I like the show "Burn Notice" (as if you cannot tell from one of the blog quotes under the photo of those two Stinson Gullwings), the car that the main character, Michael Westen, tools around in drives me batshit. Here is a guy who is trying to live below everyone's radar and he drives a 35 year old Dodge Charger in cherry condition with a white leather interior and a hood scoop. You'd think he would drive a silver four-door compact sedan, a car of which there are about fifty million variants on the road today. Telling the cops you saw a silver-colored sedan would be like telling the cops at a NASCAR race that the guy who threw a beer can was an overweight white dude wearing a ballcap.
Make Up/Break Up
1 hour ago
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