I'm just a hobby blogger. I don't do this to promote myself (personally or professionally). I blog because I have something to say. At times it's just snark, sometimes the posts are full of outrage, sometimes its just about the topics listed in the first few words of the blog header, and sometimes it's just stuff that caught my fancy. I'm not making any money from it. It's a hobby.
But it does gripe my ass when, from time to time, I've poured a nice chunk of time into a post and then I find out that all, or substantially all, of it appears on another blog or a discussion list without attribution. That's just wrong and, as another blogger once noted, there is a term for that: Plagiarism.
Plagiarism is wrong.
It is one thing to read another blogger's essay and then use that as the launching pad for one's own thoughts. It would be courteous to at least give a mention to the post that got you thinking, but what you've written is still your thoughts.
It is entirely another thin to take a post from one blogger and pass it off as your own work. If you don't understand that is wrong, then I will be very much surprised if you made it though school without somebody administering a richly deserved ass-kicking to you.
Make Up/Break Up
1 hour ago
BTDT. I once wrote an article on the Reno Air Races and published it on an aviation forum...and read it a couple of months later in a slick aviation magazine. Makes you want to kick some ass.
Hi Misfit,
I'll go ya one better. How about a "plagiarizer" that leaves enough of your words so that you recognize them, but changes a big part of it to set you up as a punching bag and make it sound like you're a complete idiot. All without a link or attribution. This happened to me recently after a disagreement with another blogger.
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