There's been a lot written about Bayh's pulling out of the Senate race in Indiana, ever so conveniently timed to make picking a Democratic candidate by a primary impossible. I'll let that alone.
Two notes, though: First, somebody who had a modicum of common courtesy would have let the national party leaders find out about this by a medium other than CNN. Bayh apparently lacked that amount of courtesy.
Second, I have to laugh about the crap I've read in the press about how if the GOP takes his Senate seat, that will "lessen" the Democrats' control of the Senate. I don't know how one could measure a reduction from "nonexistent".
The Senate Democrats are, for want of a better phrase, a pack of political retards. I have yet to hear them start demanding "up or down votes" on things, a phrase the GOP used for years whenever the then-minority Democrats dared to use the same obstructionist tactics that the Republicans now employ on everything. As far as the Senate goes, and at least for the Democrats, there is no difference between having 51 Senators and 59. (The only good thing about not having 60 votes is that nobody seems to give a fuck anymore what that little sniveling backstabbing cocksucker Joe Lieberman has to say about anything.)
Small Talk, Big Trouble
21 minutes ago
Your using the phrase, "sniveling backstabbing cocksucker Joe Lieberman" is an unjustified smear on sniveling backstabbing c~~~suckers everywhere. Nice post.
Bayh has made it impossible for any candidates not favored by the local Democratic Party to win the nomination. In that way, he seems to have curried favor with them. It's the national party he seems to be having difficulties with.
Nice thing about having more than 51 Senators is that you don't need them all to be present to have a majority, and no one Senator can get it in his head that he's important enough to demand something extra for his vote. For those purposes, any number bigger than 52 is probably just as good.
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