Paul Krugman argues that Republicans are committing treason against the entire planet.
I don't know if treason is the right word, but the Republican party is evidence of the fruits of theology and educational systems that do not place a premium on the scientific method. What we have in large swaths of this country (primarily in the states of the old Confederacy) is an intellectually bankrupt idea that belief trumps facts. What that has brought us is a rapidly warming planet (as well as a bankrupt political ideology [neoconservatism] and trillions of dollars thrown away in a moronic war).
The truth is sometimes painful. And the truth here is that the planet is warming up. The truth is that the costs of stopping humanity's contribution to a warming world will be painful to bear. The truth is that not doing anything will be far more painful to our descendants.
Here is something that may also come to pass: The vocal resistance to doing anything to address climate change from the eight-year delay of the Bush Administration and now the know-nothings in the GOP may lead to the extinction of the Republican party. For when things start to really go bad, people are going to look around for who was to blame. They'll blame the energy companies, who delayed any action by using the same tactics as the tobacco companies did ("junk science" "it's not proven") and then they'll blame the political parties who followed the cues (and the cash) of the energy companies.
Which leaves three ways to categorize the party of Hoover's resistance to doing anything about climate change: They are (i) crooks that took bribes; (ii) idiots; or (iii) traitors. Or "all of the above."
Small Talk, Big Trouble
17 minutes ago
If a significant portion of Republicans think the world is only 6000 years old and that dinosaurs co-habitated with man, how can they ever be convinced of the real science behind global warming?
Good question, WP.
This is one area where Democrats look good, by and large. There are some who are certainly beholden to the oil industry, but they didn't start a war for them, and they mostly are trying to set things on a better course.
Whether that will truly kill the GOP, I don't know. The changes will happen so slowly that most people will forget who did what, assuming they even bothered to look in the first place.
I'll go with "all of the above."
At the age of 66 years, and counting as slowly as possible, I find it difficult to give a fuck - past the process of automatically voting against any repug . . .
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