If you are the prayerful kind, send one in his memory and for his family. Much ink, airtime and pixels will be devoted to parsing the life of the D.C. Nazi (may he eventually rot in Hell), but we should not forget that Officer Johns died at his post. No doubt the D.C. Nazi took some sadistic glee at the idea of murdering an African-American guard at the Holocaust Museum and I would not be a bit surprised that the D.C. Nazi gunned down Officer Johns because of his skin color.
Do not forget the name of Stephen T. Johns.
Apparently the D.C. Nazi gunned down Johns because Johns stopped him at the door, not because he specifically targeted Johns. But I'm sure that if he'd had a choice of targets, he *would* have gleefully specifically targeted Johns for extinction as one of those unseemly mud peoples that reich-wingers just love to rant about at Stormfront.org and such (yes, I have VERY cautiously -- via multiple proxies so they can't track me back to my home -- perused a few pages at that site, it is utterly sickening).
You've got a lot of guts to go surfing in those cesspools.
yep tux -- you sure do
i am so afraid that beck limbaugh and hannity have only started to wake the dead
Scary shit out there. I also quietly poke around Freeperville from time to time and have to wash my eyeballs. I like knowing what the enemy -- my enemy, your enemy, America's enemy -- is doing. But what a nasty bunch they are. :-(.
- Badtux the Eye-washing Penguin
i don't trust my computer skills to be able to go do that without being tracked back. It's not just the enemy that might be doing the tracking, it could be our fren's in the FBI or some nastier group.
I'd rather not be any higher on the radar horizon.
You are wise. Unless you work in the computer security industry and know how things work at the bottom layer, visiting those sites is unwise unless you *like* being on terrorist watch lists or having terrorists show up to torch your house...
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