So the Feds try a guy for being a terrorist. They lose badly, so badly that the jury wonders why the case was even brought.
Then they arrest the guy again and are trying to deport him for being a terrorist, the same charge which they were unable to prove in a court of law.
If you want to know why our government is often reviled throughout the world, it is because of stupid shit such as this. This is the (in)Justice Department and the DBP acting like a bunch of spoiled children, whining and carrying on because they didn't get what they wanted. (ICE is an appropriate acronym for some of the goons involved, for they sure do not have warm blood flowing through their veins.)
So if you ever wondered what life would be like if six-year-olds had the powers of arrest and could carry guns, now you know.
Small Talk, Big Trouble
11 minutes ago
Unbelievable. I keep waiting for them to do the same thing to Susan Lindauer.
Sounds like a textbook case of stuck on stupid.
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